How Could Things Go So Wrong?

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"Will! I swear to god if you don't give me all my clothes back I will attack you!" I shout down the hall as I stalk towards his room in my dressing gown, more than a bit upset with him.

He took almost my entire closet, for christ's sake!

"I haven't got a clue what you're referring to!" Will shouts back at me from behind his closed door, and I can almost hear the smirk in his voice as he does so.

"William Alessandro Bellamy, I don't have time to fuss with you over all this! It's six forty-seven and Zanthus is meant to arrive at seven. I haven't even gotten any proper clothes on, I won't be able to invite him in!" I cry out, banging my fist on his newly discovered locked door, just about ready to burst into tear really.

What can I say, I'm an emotional girl.

"That's not really a problem that concerns me, yeah?" Will rebuts, at this point, I really am ready to rip him to shreds.

"Will, I haven't got anything besides those nun pants grandma got me a few years ago, and some of your sweatshirts. I can't wear those, just give me my clothes back yeah? He's going to be here any minute now." I plead with him hoping he'll actually listen to my request.

"That sounds like a perfect outfit! Very in, if you ask me. Why don't you go put it on now?" He proposes which makes me literally choke on the air I had been breathing in.

"You know what? You can keep all my clothes, I'll just open the door without them on..." I trail off with a mischievous tint to my voice, knowing good and well that this statement will snap him back into his senses.

I'm proven right as my brothers' door rips open, nearly snapping off the hinges in the process with the force which he's pulled it.

"Like hell, you will!" He scolds me, eyes glowering as he stares down at me where I stand in front of him.

"Well, it seems I've got no other options considering some twat went and stole all my clothes." I see his eyebrows raise and he goes to open his mouth though I already know what he's about to say. "Adequate clothes for a date, that is," I add, effectively shutting him up as a small frown sports his lips now. "You've got any defense now?" I ask him knowing well that none of his reasoning could possibly hold valid.

"All of your clothes show your skin!" He whines, and my eyes roll to the back of my head at his foolish rebuttal.

"Oh come off it, William. I'm not ten years old for god's sake, the world will carry on if my legs show. I'm a big girl, yeah?" I reason with him, stepping closer and setting my most lethal pout to assure he'll give it up.

"Stop that! You're not being fair in the slightest when you look at me that way." Will exclaims, a frown etching his lips as I begin to sniffle a bit, adding to my already dramatic expression.

"It's just...this is my, this is my first date Will and I-I really want to look pleasant at least." I keep my focus pointed towards the floor below me for my benefit, and it isn't long before Will falls to be my victim.

"Alright! Alright then." He groans as he throws his head back in annoyance and his own pity, knowing he's been fairly taken advantage of. I really can't help but laugh a bit over how easy he switched up with a pout from me. "Lord, you're a minx. I can't believe you still pull that so well," He mumbles, though I just smile all too sweetly at his comment, almost bouncing off the heels of my feet ready to rush to my room and get all dressed.

"I'm going to make sure the house is picked up downstairs, I expect my clothes returned to my room by the time I get back up here." I begin my way towards the stairwell, quickly making my first steps down it. "All of them, William!" I add on once I get a quiet response from him, knowing he was undoubtedly plotting in his head how to get around that statement and a voice completing it in full.

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