Let's Talk

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Please, please, please don't be too upset with me! I am finally back to writing and updating, so here's the next chapter you've been asking for! So incredibly sorry it took so long, I am so so so sorry.

Do mind, there are likely errors. I typed this whole thing at once on my phone, since I won't have my computer for a day or two, but I just wanted to get this up for you lot.

Thank you, thank you for your endless support. You're angels. Truly.

(Also if this is rubbish [shit] please tell me! I want to improve as best I can always. Thanks babes! x)

Song: Hearts Don't Break Around Here, Ed Sheeran

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Song: Hearts Don't Break Around Here, Ed Sheeran

Zanthus's POV

The skin on my body feels like it's been set afire as I sit next to Angel. Her hand is still in mine, and it's overwhelming in the finest way. The fresh memories of her holding me close to her are interminably playing through my mind.

Her touch was so delicate and her words were just the same. I can still feel the traces of her fingers in my hair, as well as the ones she left upon my cheeks while ridding them of my tears. It's like an Angels' touch.

My Angel's touch.

She's safe. She's safe for me. Just as she's found her own safe haven through William, I've found one through her. The way she didn't ask questions. She never told me everything was okay or that I'd be alright, and that's not what I wanted nor what I needed.

She hasn't asked me what happened either, which I couldn't possibly be more thankful for. She's simply sat next to me quietly per my request and let me keep her fingers entangled with my own and her side body pressed innocently to mine in such a delicate way. Her being here is more than enough. Her just being here with me in silence is all I have ever needed.

It's not that I don't want to talk to her, I do with each fiber that makes me up. Every part of me is yearning to talk to her, it's almost unbearable. It feels as if my throat is itching to get out the words I want to, but I'm simply incapable. There's so much I would like to tell her, so much, too much.

"Are you two alright?" A voice startles both of us from behind, which I'm easily able to identify as Hades. "My apologies if I'm interrupting. You lot have just been out a while, we were getting a bit worried."

"Sorry about that, we were just, well, sorry." Angel's cheeks tint an endearing shade of pink.

"The tragic apologies returned so soon?" Hades pointed look is surely teasing, though there's a tint of seriousness tacking to it.

"I'm-" She stops herself off just as soon as she begins, making it quite obvious she was about to give yet another unwanted apology.

"Yeah, yeah. Not another word of it." He waves her off. "Oi, Zanthus. How are you getting along over there, a bit quiet are we?"

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