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(Sorry to all of my confused current readers-this is not an update. It's going at the beginning of this novel, hence its title prelude. Two new chapters (possibly three) will be out the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your patience. All my love and best regards to you all, always.)

To all my first time readers, you are warmly welcomed and I'm so happy to have you here. I hope I don't let you down. Thank you for giving my work a chance.

To all of my Re-readers, you are angels. Thank you for giving this book-my writing-the time of day for a second time. It blows me away seeing people actually say they Re-read this story. I never thought I'd have that, have you guys. Thank you for being here. The first few chapters of this book aren't the best and will be edited in time. I began writing this book quite a bit ago and have grown immensely as a writer since that time. I promise it's much more promising the further along you get, don't give up after chapter one.

WARNING: This story does contain harsh language and inappropriate topics. It will include mentions and use of drugs and alcohol. Sexual content is included in this story, though chapters containing sexual content will have an asterisk next to their titles for anyone who would like to skip such.

To anyone who is uncomfortable with people within the LGBTQIAP+ community, this novel is not for you. I am all-inclusive, always. There will be a gay (manxman) relationship in this novel, as well as queer characters, and so on. Do not dare comment anything derogatory if this is something you are against if you choose to read this book. I do not tolerate discrimination, and surely won't here.

This is a safe place. Everyone is to feel loved. Everyone is to feel welcomed. Everyone is to feel comfortable. Everyone is to feel valued. Everyone is to feel valid in who they are, who they love, what they stand for, and all else in-between. This is a safe place.

I cannot stress this enough. This is a safe place.

The first few chapters of this book aren't a riot. They need work, which will come in due time. I can assure you it gets much more promising and less (unbearably) cliche the further along you get. I have progressed as a writer a notable measure since I first began this book, I can assure you, and the plot of this story has done so with me. Don't give up after chapter one.

REMINDER: Collge refers to sixth-form college, UK school system. This translates to 11th/12th (Junior and Senior) grade in the states. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND WHILE READING. These characters are in college when using UK terminology for schooling. Uni is the equivalent of American college.

This novel is written in British-English, therefore for those from anyone outside of England, the terminology may be harder to understand. Feel free to ask questions, don't be embarrassed if you're confused. I've answered tons in the past, and am willing to answer more.

The main characters are seventeen-nineteen years old. Please remember this when it comes to issues regarding maturity. They are not adults and do not have the same mindsets regarding life and how to approach dilemmas as seen in adults. They are teenagers working through their issues to the best of their abilities and the extent of their knowledge thus far in life.

Also remember, this book is meant to be innocent. To have oblivious, partially cliche (possibly sickly cliche) moments at times. It is not perfect. Again. There is major development seen the further along it gets, as I developed over the years of writing and rewriting this novel.

There are grammar errors, please don't remind me. Sometimes I type this book on my phone (my documents) in order to get updates out as quickly as possible Sometimes I slip up, simply because I am human, and make mistakes. (More often in the begin, it's less torturous the more you read. My grammar skills have surely improved since the start, a great deal, I can say with confidence.) I will get around to correcting them in time.

One day I hope to fully edit and rework this book to be something I am more proud. Though, I need to make time for this, which is hard with balancing studies and work. As well, I would like to complete this novel before I began looking back and editing old chapters.

Thank you for your patience and your support.

Without further ado, enjoy. (Hopefully)

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