Everyone Deserves a Second Chance, Right?

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"What in god's name gave you the damned idea to start a food fight!" I hear Xander yell from the bathroom, his tone exasperated as he speaks.

"I see them on tv all the time, they look so fun!" Jax whines out as the two of them exit the bathroom, no longer drenched in what I ultimately deemed to be multiple different pasta sauces, and noodles, of course. "And it's not my fault that Zanthus punched you in the face! I mean it's not like I knew he was going to react that way!" He adds on, but Xander just glares at him and continues to walk down the hall towards where I and the rest of the boys are waiting.

"You threw an entire dish of pasta on his head for fuck's sake!" Xander argues back, and then stops to turn and look at him for a second, Jax mirroring his actions, "And then you jumped behind me when he went to attack you! You should be the one with this bloody black eye!" He spits, and Jax both audibly and visibly gulps before taking a step away from Xander, obviously afraid of what he may do.

To be honest, I must say I am scared for him as well.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but you won't hurt me," Jax says calmly and slowly, trying not to wake the beast inside Xander ready to leap out at any moment.

"And why the fuck is that, enlightenment me, Jax." He says in a menacing tone, as he takes a step towards him.

"Because you love me!" Jax says, his expression going from frightened to happy go lucky, as he swings his arms around Xander's larger, brooding form, pulling him into what seems to be a tight hug.

Let me tell you, I was not expecting that.

Just as well, I was definitely not expecting for Xander, to in seconds break out into a fit of laughter along with Jax, and hug him back. The two's hug soon turns into the roughhousing, but in a friendly manner, unlike the punch that Zanthus served to Xander just minutes ago.

"I swear to all lad, one of these days I am indeed going to kill you." Xander says as the two breaks apart and start back on their path towards us, "Be thankful that today just isn't that day." He adds on, his tone turning darker at the end, but the smile still on his face, signaling he seems to be joking.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll be holding you to that statement." Jax teases back, which Xander responds to by giving him a shove.

I hear a laugh or two come from behind me, and turn to find both Hades and Maxim with grins on their faces as they watch the scene in front of them.

"Jax, always been a damn tosser haven't ya?" Hades says to him as he gives him a slap on the back.

"Hey! You're just as well guilty as me of that. Remember that time you tied Maxim up to his balcony?" Jax says, but he isn't finished, "And completely bare, might I add!" That line is what does it, I hear all four of the boys break out into a fit of laughter together, even Maxim.

"Ah, that was a good one wasn't it?" Hades says as he pulls Maxim into his hold, ruffling his hair as a brother would.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll give it to you." Maxim responds, slapping away Hades hand from him and straightening himself out.

"Let's be honest here, Zanthus beats us all in the section of being a wanker," Dimitri says, and I turn to find him smiling, may I repeat, Dimitri smiling, as he speaks up.

"I must admit, the lad does. I may come pretty close in the category, but he'll always be a damn step ahead of me in that one." Hades says and I hear a chorus of agreements of the guys at Hade's statement.

"Remember when he stole your suit from the dressing room while you were in the shower?" Maxim chokes out, trying to hold back his laughter as he speaks, but fails miserably at the end, leaving Xander to turn to me and finish off the story.

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