Tea Sounds Fine

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Hello my darlings!

I am so happy to get back into writing, though I will admit I have not been doing well. I am back in the hospital, thus the lack of updates, my brain hasn't been functioning at its best and trying to keep up with UNI classes as well as pushing updates is a difficult thing!

Thank you for your patience, I hope this chapter isn't too bad! Things are going to start to get serious soon so enjoy the warmth of this chapter! xx

Thank you for over 600k reads, it means the world and more to me. Wishing you all the best, as always. Hope this can serve as a late-halloween treat!

Zanthus POV

"Y-You know we c-could go home i-if you'd like." The morning felt more dreary than it should have. Likely because of the damper in both our moods after last night.

Angel shook her head minutely, "No, no, I don't want to ruin the trip. Everyone was looking forward to it. Plus, you've only just got to see Dimitri and Ben after so long." I kissed the side of her head and pulled her closer to me.

"Y-You wouldn't be r-ruining anything, love." She huffed and pushed me away haphazardly.

"You know what I mean, Z. I was looking forward to this trip too. I just wish that William could treat me as an adult for once. I'm thankful for the ways he's essentially raised me, but he also needs to let go of this idea that I'm still just his kid sister."

I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. I didn't know exactly what to say. As an only child, I've never had to deal with siblings so I couldn't relate to her situation. All I knew was that I hated how upset she seemed over all this.

"Tell me w-what I can d-do."

Angel sighed and relaxed against me. It was nice to get to be here for her like this. To be able to do simple things like holding her in my arms.

"This is nice, maybe just more of this please." Her words were muffled against my neck and I laughed at the sensation.

"This. Do y-you mean cuddles?" She laughed as well and turned herself further into me.

"That's exactly what I mean, yes. I'm quite the cuddler if you weren't aware already." That wasn't an over-exaggeration in the slightest.

I sighed and ran my arms up and down her sides softly, "H-How could I-I not know that?"

Angel pulled away from me just enough to make eye contact. She raised her eyebrows, " Are you saying you don't like it?"

I was quick to shake my head. "N-No, no that's-no."

She laughed and fell back against me. "I was just messing, don't worry. I could never pass up a cuddle from you."

My smile grew uncontrollably at that. Things like that made my heart stutter. It felt like I would never get used to really having Angel.

"You think s-so?"

It felt like things had suddenly become incredibly intense. The fact that it was only me and her alone at this moment was much more apparent than it had been before. It was almost overwhelming, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"I do, yeah." She leaned in and kissed me once swiftly.

I pouted and pressed our foreheads together "That's all I-I get?"

Angel laughed and brought both her hands up to squeeze my cheeks together--something only she could get away with. "For now, yes."

She huffed when I groaned and dropped my forehead on her shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her as tight against me as I could.

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