Don't Want To Feel That Way

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(Again, let me know your thoughts at the end! xx)

Zanthus POV, cont.

Year 10

"She's s-so pretty, Xander" I groaned, arms covering my eyes as I sprawled my body across the floor.

"Yeah, yeah, heard it all before." I cursed him out when I felt a grape hit my stomach and he snickered in return.

I rolled over so my elbows were propped up and sighed. "N-No, like, y-you don't get it."

"Think I do, love." I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed, reaching for another grape from the bowl sat in his lap.

"What're we talking about?" Hades sauntered in, cup of tea in hand.

"How Zanthus wants to snog the days out of Angel." I squaked, sitting up quickly and throwing the pillow that was beside me at a sly looking Zanthus.

"I-I-I did not s-say that!" I scolded, throwing the grape Xander had thrown at me earlier at Hades, who had begun laughing along with Xander.

"But it's true innit?" Hades raised his eyebrows, picking up the grape and popping it into his mouth.

I laid back down, covering my eyes with my arms again as I groaned. "P-Pricks."

"Don't be a spoilsport, Z." Xander cooed.

"Just admit you want to swallow her face, you eejit. Nothing to be ashamed of."

I could feel my cheeks burning and did my best to shield the tint with my arms. It seemed of little avail, considering hushed laughs followed a whisper from Xander to Hades. I took a breath and felt a smile curl it's way onto my lips at my thoughts.

"M-Maybe a little." I started, causing both of the boys to quiet.

Xander cleared his throat. "What was that?"

"I s-said," I smiled bashfully as I sat up, letting my arms fall to my side. "Maybe I-I wanna s-snog her a l-little."

"Took you long enough, slowcoach." Hades mocked as he nicked the bowl of grapes from Xander's lap.

I fixed my eyes to meet the latter's, who appeared rather affronted. I felt a bit weary at his lack of immediate response, and was ready to say something else until I felt the air leave my lungs and found my eyes level with the ceiling.

"I fucking knew it!" The Xander shouted, laughing brightly. I coughed and flung my arms out, aimlessly attempting to push him off of me.

"L-Let up." I gasped out, squirming from his firm hold on my shoulders.

"Let up." Xander mocked, scoffing before he continued. "Like hell I'll let up. I've been waiting to hear you say that for three years, you absolute wanker."

"You're going to squash the lad, Xander. Give 'em a break." The grape Hades was chewing on muffled his words.

Xander stilled, narrowing his eyes at me before letting go from where he was pinning me down. "Fine." His tone was petulant, though he proceeded to stand and brush himself of anyways.

"Cheers." I nodded to Hades, who just hummed while he typed away on his mobile.


Year 11

"Sorry," I turned my head as quick as I could when I heard her voice, breath catching at the sight of her.

Seeing her more days than not the past four years hadn't done anything to help me grow accustomed to her being. Every time I saw her was like the first time, more intense even. My chest stuttered a bit, pulse stabilizing as I took a deep breath

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