Here Goes Nothing

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Song: This, by Ed sheeran

Angels' POV

"Ah, my bundles of joy!" Mrs.Newman exclaims a bright smile etched on her face as she does so, but she only receives a chorus of unpleased groans.

Though I must admit her always positive attitude is one of the things I admire most about her. If only I could be that happy all the time. What a dream that would be.

"Well as it seems, you guys don't appear to be too, excited, to do anything that involves half a brain, so I'll go a bit easier on you today." Mrs.Newman says, and a few cheers are heard from around the room, "Settle down, settle down. I still expect you to do some work, but I'll cut you some back." She announces, to my pleasure.

"Okay! The lot of you are free to work with others or alone. I don't really mind either, as you know. Just make sure to stay on task!" She says as she claps her hands together with a bright smile on her face.

"Wait, what are we even going to be doing?" A blonde haired lad behind me asks, the question all of the class was wondering at this point.

"Oh, yeah right. Sorry, I guess I just got too excited to get you off my back." She smiles widely as she speaks and I can't help the contagious one that grows on my face. "Anyways, you guys are going to be doing the next chapter online, but only the assigned problems. And don't fret, I didn't assign any homework for you tonight." Mrs.Newman speaks, looking away from me at this point to my relief.

"But you never assign homework! It's not even a part of our curriculum!" An unidentified boy shouts out from the huddle of guys in the back, causing the whole class to burst into laughter at his brutally honest comment.

"Oh hush up yeah?" She says to the kid sternly, but the smile on her face shows just how serious she is. "Now, go on then. Although I wish I could, I can't just let you guys sit here all day long." She tells also and the class immediately gets up as people begin to shuffle around it to get to their friends.

I decide to just lay low and work individually, in hopes of avoiding obnoxious classmates as well as Zanthus, whom lucky for me doesn't seem to be in class today. Though much to my luck, I hear the door open with a loud thud, and I close my eyes and let the inevitable sink in.

It's not that I'm not shedding a different light on him now, ready to give him a second chance like discussed, but more so that I'm just not sure where to begin. What am I meant to say to him, really? We've had a bit of a rocky few days, nothing quite clear on where we stand with each other. It feel as if he's almost unnaproachable.

I hear his heavy footsteps making their way across the room, and don't miss the way the class stays silent with all eyes on Zanthus. In the blink of an eye, a textbook is slammed down onto the clean surface in front of me, and I don't have to look up to connect the arm to the body of the culprit. It's quite obvious who the beholder is.

I hear the legs of the chair to the right side of me scraping across the floor in a very ungraceful manner that causes me to cringe and clamp my eyes shut. A loud 'thump' is followed by this noise, and I can only assume that was the whole of Zanthus' body roughly seating itself on the chair.

Maybe if I keep my eyes closed for long enough I'll up and disappear?

"Angel? Are you alright?" I hear a sweet voice ask from the left, contradicting to where Zanthus is sitting on the right of me.

"Huh? Oh me, yeah I'm well." I respond, looking up to find Mr.Newman standing beside me with a lingering smile on her face as she watches me.

"Are you sure?" She asks me, her smile stretching a bit farther across her face as she watches me squirm in nervousness.I just give her a simple nod in return to her question.

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