That's One Way To Intervene

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Song: Grade 8, Ed Sheeran

Angels' POV

The assembly yesterday was nothing short of uncomftorable, well in all the moments Xander wasn't serving as a personal distraction to me. I did my best to hold my composure under not only Zanthus' stares, but the many that had been accumulated from the other students around us.

It was quite impossible to ignore the pointed glances, whispers, even some blatant points in my, in our direction. It was all rather embarassing, and rather infuriating as well, knowing well that many could have been avoided if Zanthus had corrected the boy who'd made the comment on out relation.

Of course there's a small part of me that actually enjoyed his assumption on us, it's nothing but naive and is surely overpowed by how upsetting his silence has proved to be afterwards. I've never been one for attention, and I surely wasn't getting anything short of it now, if the few stray looks weren't enough previous to the affairs of the assembly.

I bid Xander a quick farwell once it had come to an end, Hades as well who I'd shared a few words with, and purposely ignoring Zanthus who seemed rather put off from his lacking bid adieu on my end. He deserves, though, for leading people to believe falsities regarding the both of us, which are too far gone to go back and speak truth on.

I'm upset with him now, of course.

He was in no place to for starters, essentially make my decisions for me. What if I had wanted to sit with the blonde haired boy who'd offered? But that's less of where my anger is sparking from.

It's apparent that the real issue lays in the fact that majority of the people, if not all, that attend sixth form with us are speculating that the two of us are involved romatically. This is unsettling for not only the reason being how clashing our characters our and his despicable reputation, but even more the lacking respect it appears he has for me.

If he possesed any, he would've been quick to shoot down the boys comment. I wouldn't have had an issue with people thinking we were friends, that would be far better to them thinking were getting about with each other. I never agreed to have people speculate such things, and he surely didn't pay take that into account nor heed how I would be affected.

With the mass of attention he already recieves from our peers, it's obvious they're meant to jump on anything and anyone whose involved with him. It's almost as if he's a celebrity or something of the sort, it's a bit sickening how cliche his popularity is. I've been made to be a sort of target now, not missing the stares I recieve at each step I take.

I feel a small tug on my arm as I scurry down the crowded halls. I stop shortly, and close my eyes, taking a breath and prepare myself to be faced with Zanthus. I turn around slowly but see I am now standing in front of Xander. I let out a breath of relief and let a tiny smile rest on my lips in his presence.

"First, you bolt out of class and next you act as if you don't want to see me. I'm glad to see how much you enjoy my prescence, Angel." Xander says, faux hurt as he places his hand over his heart. "And I was here, thinking this friendship was off to a great start." He jokes, though his words cause my heart to skip a beat.

"Friendship?" I chirp out a bit to chuffed, causing him to give me an odd look before he shakes his head and looks back to me.

"I mean what else would you call this, Cherry? We're friends. If we weren't, I would not be talking to you right now, yeah?" He offers up, which I nodd mutely to.

"Uh, nothing, nothing. Yeah, friendship. Sorry, I was being half-brained. It's just, you're my first friend. Ever. Like ever, ever. So I wasn't sure if you actually wanted to be friends. Of course, I'd like to be on of yours. Well, not, you know what I mean. But you're just such a character, and tall and a bit scary -well not scary, intimadating is more like it. Then again, you are scary, but not when you talk to me. You're like-" I'm cut off by Xanders laugh bouncing through the air around us and reaching my ears.

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