Wish For The Best

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"I must say I must say I was baffled when I heard news from Zanthus that you agreed to sit with him at lunch." I hear a voice say from behind me as I sat in my chair waiting for the next lecture to begin.

"Hey, you're the one who told me to give him a second chance!" I defend myself in regards to his teasing and Xander raises his arms in fake surrender.

"I'm all for it. No need to get defensive." He tells me and chuckles a bit, and I just smile at him as he takes a seat at the corner of the table I'm at. "Really though. Thank you for giving him another chance. I'm glad you did." Xander says causing me to nod my head at his words.

"Yeah, me too." I mumble, but I know he's heard me once I feel a slight nudge to my shoulder by him.

"Now, I'd love to stay and chat, but it seems there is someone else who'd like to take up your attention for the time being," he tells me as he casts a glance over my shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll have time to gossip and paint our nails later." He exclaims as he flips an imaginary strand of hair over his shoulder before moving turning to sit in the row across the way behind me.

I smile at his frivolous comment before I remember his mentioning of someone else wanting to speak with me, yet shake it off when and decide I'll just work on my paper until I'm interrupted. I open my laptop and am about to log in when I feel a tap on my shoulder, causing me to jump a bit and close it before turning to the side in order to match a profile to the person who's interested in my attention.

I'm a bit surprised to Zanthus hovering over me, his eyes focused on his hands as he fidgets with the strap to his watch. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, waiting for him to say something in order to break the silence which he created. My confusion is only met with more silence, causing me to be the one who breaks the awkward spell.

"Zanthus?" I ask quietly, and I see him tug a little harder on the material before he looks up at me through his eyelashes, keeping his head hung low.

He uses the hand that was playing with his watch to lift it up a bit and send me a small wave. I shy smile is painted across his face as he looks at me and I feel one pull at my lips. He points to the chair next to me, but I am a bit puzzled by his action unable to understand what his gesture means. He points to the chair again, yet I still sit stumped at what he's trying to communicate through his charades. I hear him huff in frustration and can't help but feel a little hurt that he's mad at me for something I'm unaware of.

"Oh for god's sake, he wants to know if he can sit with you!" I hear a voice exclaim from behind us, and turn to see Xander who's rolling his eyes at the whole scene, yet a smile is still sat on his lips as he does so.

"Oh! Uh, yeah you can sit there." I tell him, and he nods his head in a way of thanks as he pulls out the chair to sit, placing his bag to the side of him on the floor.

I am always one to come early to lectures, so it is no surprise that when I look up at the clock on the wall I'm informed that there are still about five or so minutes until the professor will arrive. I sigh, wondering what to say next to create a comfortable environment between me and the quiet boy next to me, as it holds stiff and awkward at the moment.

Do I talk? Does he even want to talk? I assume he would've done so already if he was interested in having a conversation, so I'm left debating whether or not I should just go for it and be the first to speak up, again.

"Hi?" I decide to say, but it comes out as more of a question in contradiction to my meaning for it to be a statement.

I'm not sure if Zanthus has heard me and am prepared to repeat myself, but with a small wave of his hand like he'd done a bit ago I understand he has. Does he really not want to talk to me? I know it shouldn't affect me much, but I can't help but feel a little disheartened at the fact that he might not want to talk to me. Though why'd he sit down next to me then? He doesn't make any sense!

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