Wouldn't Want It Any Other Way

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Hi darlings! Sorry this has taken so long, don't want to bore you stiff with details so I'm just going to keep it simple. 

This chapter may not seem so exciting to some, but it's important for character progression and the development of all of the characters overarching dynamic. I myself had tons of fun writing this chapter and am so chuffed for what's to come next. 

All my love to you lot always, you keep me going. Thank you for all the kind comments, love, messages, votes, etc. I wouldn't be able to do it without each and every one of you. 

Also, 313k reads? that is absolutely shocking to see, the last update I had below 300k, I don't deserve all the support you give me. I am so so thankful for you everyday. With that said, I hope you enjoy the read! xxxxx


Touch and Go, Ed Sheeran

Zanthus POV

"We should go camping," Maxim clamped his hands down on Xander's shoulder.

"Fuck yes mate!" The latter exclaimed, too loud to have been deemed appropriate inside the cafe.

Jax Strolled over to the couches with Hades following in suit. "What's got him so chuffed then?" He motioned towards Xander who had quite literally jumped out of his.

"Maxim wants to go camping, Xander clearly agrees." Angel's arm brushed against my shoulder as she gestured towards the two and I couldn't help the way my cheeks turned a bit pink at her mercy.

I wasn't uncomfortable around her, that wasn't it at all. Every time she touched me I couldn't help but feel so fucking overwhelmed, in the best way possible at that. It didn't matter how far we'd taken it a few nights ago, I still resulted into a defenceless, blushing mess when she showed me the smallest affections and I would never understand the science behind it.

Jax sighed and stood in front of the space that Xander had claimed earlier on, papers spread across it. "Well, are you going to make room for me then?"

Xander turned from where he'd been scheming with Maxim and caught eyes with Jax, a shy smile consumed his features soon enough. "Course, yeah I just-" He moved to gather his things, accidentally knocking a few things onto the floor in his haste. "Shit,"

Jax huffed in amusement and moved to pick the pens off the floor. "Wouldn't have asked if I knew it'd cause you this much trouble." He mused, and Xander's face soon became submerged, his face in a dark shade of red at this point.

"Oh do shut up, will you?" Xander mumbled as he threw the messy collection of papers onto the table in front of him.

"Can't help it, love," Jax mused as he sat down beside Jax, throwing a swift arm over his shoulder and pulling him into his side.

Xander failed to fight his smile as he settled into the touch. "Yeah, yeah, just admit you like to poke fun at me any chance you get."

"Well, I can't deny that can I?" Jax quipped, and he laughed loudly when Xander slapped him across the chest. "That's hardly fair, you said it first! I only agreed."

The guilty party peered up at Jax, "Is what it is, J. It is what it is,"

Jax shook his head and pressed a short kiss to Xander's head. "Right, whatever you say."

Xander's eyes grew ten times their previous size before they settled. His smile could be categorized as nostalgic, I assumed. Contemplation was painted very obviously across his face for a few seconds. Until it wasn't, and he leaned up to peck Jax on the lips.

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