What Have I Gotten Myself Into

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Song: Little Bird, album 5, by Ed Sheeran

Angels' POV

"Good Morning class." My dear teacher, Mrs.Newman says, with a bright smile across her face.

It's no surprise that she's met with a crowd of frowns in response.

"Alright then. We may as well make the most with what time we do have, yeah?" She tells us, and I here a few chuckles heard around the class. A boy in the back of our class raises his hand, "Yes, Mr.Boive?" She calls out.

"Why do you even work here, isn't your husband like a billionaire or some shit." He states bluntly and the class instantly bursts out in a fit of laughs, even Mrs.Newman's smiles widens as she hears the statement.

"Yes, my husband is, 'a billionaire or some shit', but this is a passion of mine. Surely I won't just give it up and sit at home being dormant becase of his income." She responds to him with a kind smile

"But moving forward, we have work to do today." She waves her hand about, "I'll do my best to minimize the work for you as best as I can, but you guys have to at least do something in my class. I won't allow myself to be a help to creating a generation of pillocks." She says and the class just laughs again.

At least she's actually a decent professor.

"Do the worksheets placed on your table. I am expecting on you guys to finish it in by the end of class. It is only four worksheets and you guys know all of this information, that is if you've been listening during the lectures." She gives a pointed look to s few sheepish students, then breaks a smile.

"Go on, if you need help, I'll be at my desk." Mrs.Newman tells us and I immediately place the worksheet in front of me and begin the work.

The worksheet, as she said, isn't that hard considering we've been reviewing the riemann sum for a good amount of time by this point. When I'm about halfway worked through the first problem, I hear my name being called.

"Angel! Could I please grab you're attention for a minute please?" Mrs.Newman comes so she is standing in front of my table, rather to being seated at hers.

"Uh, yeah. Of course." I murmur quietly and take a quick glance at her before bringing my eyes back to level at my desk.

"One of my students hasn't been doing the best in this class and came to ask me for a bit of help. I would do so, but I'm a little-preoccupied marking papers from my other class. Now I know you like to work individually, but you are my star student in this class. It would be a great help to me if you could help him along for today and the next couple class periods to get him all caught up." She states, and I think by the look on my face and yes, I'm actually making eye contact with her now-she can already tell what my answers about to be.

"I'll give you extra credit if you'll help me with this." She says in a quieter tone, a bbit teasing though it's obvious she does actually mean what she's presenting.

I give her a light nod and say a quiet 'yes', which causes her to present me a smile in return. Of course doing things on my own is prefereed, I could never turn down a professors' request, and one of my favourites at that especially.

"Alright, I'll go get Mr.Black and send him right over to you." She states and I feel my eyes about pop out of their sockets at the name I'd just heard.

"Wait, I don't think I want to do this anymore." I rush out, almost at a pace not understandable.

Instead of giving me a nod of understanding or an 'okay, as I expected her to do so, she just walks away from me, I simply decide to go back to work, a little confused by here response but ultimately deciding that she's likely accepted my decision.

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