I Want you

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So so sorry this took so long to get out. I am so pleased to have finally found the spark inside me that had been missing for far too long. This chapter is a bit long, so stay with me please! I promise it's worth your while.

With that, all my love to you all, always. Enjoy the read, hopefully. xxx


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I didn't know what to think while I sat on the edge of my bed, mobile threatening to combust from how tight I was grasping it.

I winced when I bit down on my already raw bottom lip, soothing my tongue over it to calm the sharp sensation. The metallic taste gave me an ugly glimpse of nostalgia that I knew well enough not to dwell in that moment.

I turned my phone over, unlocking it only to end up staring at the screen for the twelfth time in the past six minutes. I had spent most of the day encompassed by my home screen, alternating between glaring and frowning at what sat before me.

It was clear I needed to muster up some courage and ring Angel soon enough. Putting it off until the sun had begun to slip below the horizon was flimsily excused as me giving her the space she asked for. Inside I knew I could have pressed the button. I needed to come midday and spared the wait, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

In fairness, Angel did ask for time to clear her head, and I didn't want to disrespect her wishes. Especially with where I stood in her eyes. Though anytime I closed my eyes that drop of sanctity was crushed, as the events of last night found themselves perpetually replaying across the backs of my eyelids.

I surely served an awful number at the party. I never meant to snap at Angel the way I did. I should never have, to put it better. She didn't deserve it in the slightest. She had been nothing but the tender soul she was when she came over to me on the couch and I had been nothing aside from out of line.

I sighed and set my mobile down on the duvet beside me and ran both my hands down my face. I glanced up at the ceiling and prayed that I hadn't mucked things up too much. Prayed that I would be able to say the right thing for once. That Angel hadn't given up and that I hadn't failed quite yet.

I knew that she deserved more than myself-and that theory continuously proved true -but I wouldn't miss a chance to grasp onto any opportunity she gave me. I would prefer to never let go of her if I'm honest. The glimpse of her slipping from my fingers that came the previous night was enough for me. I wasn't fond of finding myself in a similar predicament to my current status in the near future. I couldn't lose her.

My Angel.

I took a deep breath and tugged at my roots one last time before I forced myself to pick up the phone. It was already unlocked-giving me even more reason to call-and I navigated my way to Angel's contact. I pressed call and inhaled sharply when the phone let out its first ring.

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