Would You Fancy Baking With Me?

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I feel my nerves rise as I realize what the time is, causing me to bounce my leg anxiously in awaiting of the last lecture of the day to end. My eyes dart to the top right corner of my computer almost every second, tracking the time that seems to be passing in a painfully slow manner. I inwardly groan once I note that it's three-thirty, meaning that I have an additional ten minutes before I am released and sent of into the presence of Zanthus.

I replay our earlier conversation in my head over and over, smiling as I recall the way he smiled and held my hand warmly. I push the butterflies fluttering around my stomach down as best I can, knowing I am going to be back with him in now eight minutes.

Will things go well? Besides replaying our small lunch encounter on repeat in my head, I have also imagined basically every single possible horrendous end to this get together with Zanthus, must I say it hasn't helped ease my nervous state in the slightest.

Overthinking, that's what I do finest.

"Alright, you're dismissed. Have a fine weekend. I'll see you back here on Monday." The professor says to us which instantly sends students into a frenzy f filing their papers away.

I've never understood the excitement of Friday's. Then again, I've never really had a social life, so I guess that may be part of it. School isn't all too bad, it's truly the homework that's such a task sometimes.

"Hey there, Angel." I hear from beside me as I walk out the door of the now empty classroom, and turn to see Xander leaning against the wall with arms crossed, as if he were waiting for me.

"Uhm, hi?" I say back, still a bit confused as to where Zanthus is, but follow him as he motions for me to walk in step behind him.

Didn't he say he was going to pick me up after Psych?

"Ah, I assume you're looking for Zanthus?" He asks me, and I can't help but blush that obnoxious red that's made it's present far too many times over this week.

"Yes!" I blurt out a bit too eagerly I assume, from the teasing glint in Xander's eyes as he looks down at me.

"A bit chuffed to see him, are we?" He asks me yet I just stay quiet, not wanting to admit how oddly pleased I was to see the dark haired lad.

"Where is he off to now?" I ask after I sober up from my embarrassment best as I can.

"He had to head home to attend to some business, as he put it, so he told me to come to grab you and we can meet him at his pad." Xander tells me as I blindly follow him through the campus to what I assume will be his car eventually.

"Not to pry, but do you know what business he was attending to?" I ask, hoping to learn more about the quiet boy's personal life from his rather vibrant best mate.

"He didn't specify what." Xander tells me, and I nod my head in response before he takes a look my way and widens his smile. "In my sight though, I believe that was just a load of rubbish. I think the lad just went home to clean the place up before you came. Having the six of us bunk it in one place can get a bit out of pocket times." He tells me, and I feel a question bubble at this statement.

"The lot of you live together?" I ask him, as he rounds a corner that begins to lead us out towards the parking lot.

"No, but we usually hang about his during our off time." Xander corrects my assumption, though I wouldn't be surprised if he had spoken my assumption to be the truth.

"Oh." I say back simply, not sure what else to pop into our conversation.

"I live with him, the rest of the blokes are still stuck at home. Though they're suckers for their families, so it's not a bad arrangement." He tells me, which I nod to acknowledge.

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