Definitely No

14.3K 519 163

Sorry if this chapter isn't the best, babes. Certainly had a block with this one. Tons of new things and introductions to come after this chapter, just getting this part specifically written was tough, especially with life being as chaotic as is.

64k?! You lot are angels, I mean that with every piece of me. Thank you endlessly for you kind words and messages and comments and all that you do for me. One reader bowls me over, seeing this book has 64k+ reads absolutely stuns me. Working to be better for you all day after day, in my writing and my character. Thank you, again. xxxx

Song: English Rose, Ed Sheeran, X

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Song: English Rose, Ed Sheeran, X

"Zanthus! You can't do that!" I shriek, shoving his hand away from the notebook in front of me.

He places his pen where it was seconds ago and continuing to draw. "Oops." He laughs.

"We're supposed to be doing work, you know?" He purses his lips at my words, shaking his head.

"N-no. I don't th-think so." I roll my eyes, dragging the notebook closer to me, forcing his pen to stop vandalizing the page open.

"You're insufferable," I mutter, shaking my head with a smile.

"Yeah?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah." I narrow my eyes at him, doing my best to keep a straight face. He lurches forward and places a kiss on my cheek, my jaw dropping just a bit. "Zanthus!" I exclaim, flushing red.

"W-what?" There's a glint in his eyes that screams anything but innocence, contradicting his faux confused expression.

"You can't do that," I say, causing him to burst out a laugh.

"Can't d-do what?" He leans forward again, placing a finger under my chin to prop my head to the right height before pecking me softly. He pulls away, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as he does so.

"That!" I exclaim, face no doubt afire at this point. "You-Exactly what you just did. You can't do that."

"Why?" I huff at his question, trying to compose myself.

"Because we need to get work done. And because you're going to draw attention to us if you keep-" I'm cut off by his lips on mine again, but they're gone before I can protest. "I give up," I mumble, dropping my head onto my arms.

"Yeah!" Zanthus cheers, floor emitting a screeching noise as he moves his chair closer to mine.

"You're a div, do you know that?" I turn my head glare at him.

He's quiet as if he's pondering the question. "Y-you're cute." He decides on, crossing his arms as he beams at me.

"You owe me another date." I quip, sitting up and poking a finger in the centre of his chest.

His smile grows if that's possible. "I-I know. I've p-planned it."

"What does date number four entail, then?" I raise my eyebrows, but he simply shakes his head.

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