Alternate Ending ♥

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A/N: Be warned that this is completely different from the orginal ending and it's entirely up to you if you read it or not. Also Importantish authors note at the end! Please read :)

"Do you want me to get anything else?" I ask over the phone. I was just doing a quick grocery run and I figured I should check in because he generally always wanted something extra.

"Can you please get extra milk and cookies?" He asks cutely and I have to smile.

"God you're such a Loser." I tease. "But yes of course. Is that all?"

"Think so. Hurry home okay? I have a surprise for you." He sing songs and I instantly perk up at the mention of a surprise. I loved surprises.

"What kind of a surprise?" I question as I push the trolley down to the milk fridges. I knew that he probably wouldn't tell me anything but I still had to ask.

"Not telling, you'll just have to wait and see. Hurry home but be careful okay, I love you."

"Okay." I lightly laugh though I loved how he was still so concerned. "I love you too." I tell him before ending the call.

I put my phone back in my bag before stopping directly in front of the milk fridges.
"Hey."  His deep voice startles me almost making me drop the bottle of milk I was currently holding.

"Hi." I greet back turning around to look at him. To say I was surprised to see him would be an understatement, in fact if it wasn't for the coldness coming from the fridges behind me then I would think that I was dreaming right now.

Calum Hood was standing in front of me once again. Calum Hood my old friend, My once roommate, my ex-boyfriend and also Calum Hood The International Superstar.

"Is this.....uh okay?" He asked tentatively. We both knew why he was asking and that made my heart sink. I couldn't help but still feel guilty about everything that had happened between us.

We hadn't seen each other since the day we ended things, He went his separate way and I went mine. We hadn't had any form of communication since and it felt strange to all of a sudden have him in my life, even if it was for a brief run in at the supermarket.

I'll admit that after we broke up I had watched his ever growing career closely, He had completely blown up in the music industry. Everybody either wanted to be him or be with him, of course seeing him in person again and not through a screen was something that threw me off. It wasn't nearly the same seeing those glowingly warm brown eyes in person or the soft pink of his deliciouslyplump up close again, those lips that I had once been able to kiss for days, those same lips that once seemed like my only source of air.

"It's perfectly fine, Cal." I assured and couldn't help but grin like a love sick idiot. I still loved him though I wasn't in love with him anymore, I hadn't been for a long time and that had had a big part in us breaking up. "What are you doing here?" I asked. I knew from experience that it was a rare thing for him to be home.

"I've got some time off so I figured home was the place to be." He answers. "Plus mum's just had her surgery."

"Oh that's right. How did she go? She told me how she was really nervous about it." Joy was still really healthy but she had a small accident on the stairs and did damage to her hip which she then needed surgery to repair that damage.

"It went smoothly....uh she told you?" He questions a small frown finding it's way to his face.

"She calls me every now and then." I tell him with a shrug. I really didn't mind Joy's calls at all, we were close when Calum and I were together so it was only natural for her to want to keep contact.

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