A/N: The End. ♥

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So The Boyfriend Project is officially finished which still doesn't even seem real to me!! I still remember the exact day when I started this and I'm honestly just in shock at how far it's come.

There was a question that got asked by @stylesdimplesplz and I thought it would be the perfect time to answer it now. The question was What inspired you to write this story and how did you develop the plot?

Believe it or not this was actually inspired by an Eminem song! The rest of the inspiration for the story pretty much came from my love for 5sos and writing.

The original plot to this story is nothing like how it is. I changed so many things but I'm extremely happy with how it turned out in the end. When I was thinking about the plot though something that was important for me was to add unexpected things and plot twists because I love fics that have those, also I wanted a familyish bond and cute ass love dovey moments which came easy with Calum!

I read a lot of fics on here so I know that there is far better then mine so the fact that this has gotten the views/Votes/comments that it has just blows me away. I know I've said this before but I really didn't think that this would even reach 1K!

Since I've started this fic it's made me smile everyday and that's because of all of you readers ♥ Anytime any of you vote and commet I just smile like complete idiot so thank you for that.

The Boyfriend Project may be over but it's always going to have a special place in my heart because it's my first 5sos fic and it's the first fic I've ever finished.


Now I know a lot of you want a sequel and I've been trying to figure something out so that I can actually do one but I only have a small idea for it at the moment. I want and need to make sure that I can make that idea grow so that it's not a half-assed fic because I really can't do that.

So if you have any ideas at all for the sequel then please let me know!! It would be really appreciated ♡

Also what would you want the sequel to include? What do you want to see happen next for Galum?

Now if I decide to not do a sequel there will be other options to choose from. These options include:

1: A bonus epilogue chapter.
2:A series of one shots for specific moments in Galum's story.
3: A Q & A.

I will let you know as soon as I decide if I will be doing a sequel.

Now since that's it for Galum at the moment you should check out my other two fics! There's a Luke one and another Calum so check them out if you want! And remember I'm doing 'Hello Heartache which is Ludia's story so keep your eyes out for that!

Thank you for coming on this journey with me! You're all amazingly lovely and I love you all ♥♥♥

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
-Kayla xx

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now