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"Genieeeee." I hear Calum's call from afar. Ugh no I didn't want to get up yet. I bury my face deeper into my pillow trying to block him out and fall back asleep, I felt a lot better now but I think I needed a couple more hours of sleep to get completely out of this hungover funk.

"G get up." I hear Calum's voice once again except this time it's coming from inside my room.

"Nooo." I groan which comes out extremely muffled because of my face being buried.

"You've been asleep for hours." Calum states as if I didn't know.

"Soo?" I question turning on my side but my eyes remain shut.

"You're not going to be able to sleep later." He points out and I silently smile at the fact that it sounds like what my mother use to say to me.

"Trust me. I will." I tell him. I didn't see any harm in sleeping a little longer.

"Well you still need to eat and I got pizza." I open one eye to look at him. He was leaning on my door way with a small smile on his face.

"You did?" I ask him.

"I did." He nods in confirmation. I let out a small sigh before smiling.

"Okay. I'm up."'I open my other eye before pushing the covers back and hoping out of my bed.

"Knew it would get you up." Calum sniggers as I follow him to the kitchen.

"Oh shush. You don't know me Hood." I smirk at him.

"Oh but I do." He smugly replies.

"Uh huh." I open one of the pizza boxes and scrunch up my nose at the pizza inside, that one was obviously Calum's. I moved to the other box and instantly grinned when I opened it. One vegetarian pizza just for me. Now I loved pizza but I only ever are vegetarian pizza. I don't know why It was just something I had always done.

"I don't know how you can only eat vegetarian pizza." Calum frowns at me before grabbing a piece of his pepperoni pizza.

"I don't know how you don't only eat vegetarian pizza. It's the best." I take a bite of the piece I had grabbed and savour in the taste. Maybe I was a little hungrier then I thought because my stomach was practically screaming at me to eat faster.

" I think the whole group and most of the world would disagree with that."

"Who cares what they think." I shrug. If I thought that vegetarian pizza was the best then that was my opinion. Calum doesn't answer he just grins at me before continuing to eat.

"How long were Michael and Luke here ?" I ask him.

"About three hours or so." Calum answers.

"What do you boys even do?" I ask amused. When I was younger I use to always think it was so funny that boys would have sleepovers, like what would they do exactly?

"Just chilled." Calum shrugs but it seems like there was something he wasn't telling me. I wasn't going to ask him about it though, If he wanted me to know he would tell him and I didn't want to intrude on their 'bonding' time.

"Sounds thrilling." I put the piece the I was currently eating down and grabbed a glass of water before returning to my previous spot.

"It was. Best three hours of my life." Calum exaggerates before laughing.

"Three hours you will never get back." I point out.

"Well my room mate ditched to go sleep off her hangover so I didn't really have choice but to hang out with them."

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now