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"Are you going to sleep G?" Calum asks me softly. We were currently in the back seat of Luke's car making our way back home from the beach. Michael was sitting in the front with Luke and I was sitting in between Ashton and Calum. The girls had left about an hour earlier then us.

"No I'm just resting my eyes." I tell him reopening my eyes that had been closed the last couple of minutes.I'll admit I was feeling pretty washed out after being at the beach and was trying my best to fight my sleep.

"If you say so." Calum chuckles knowing that I was slowly but surly falling asleep.

"Sleep on Calum, he's super comfortable ." Luke grins from the front.

"Oh she knows." I can hear the smirk in Calum's voice which makes me roll my eyes before leaning my head on his shoulder, because well he was comfortable and I was tired.

"I'm sure she does." Michael sniggers making me frown.

"What's that suppose to mean Clifford?" I ask him.

"Nothing Genie." Michael replies innocently. I mentally shrug at him, who knew what he was going on about now.

One of my hands finds Calum's and can't help but start playing with his fingers. It has something I found myself doing more and more lately, I didn't really know why I did it but it didn't seem to bother Calum at all.

"I'm coming over tomorrow." Ashton says and I have no idea who he's actually talking to.

"Okay right." Calum replies to him and by his tone he knows exactly why Ashton is coming over.

"Don't come over too early." I tell him making him chuckle.

"I won't." Ashton Says. I can feel my eyelids getting heavier and I knew that I would surely be asleep in a couple of minutes. My body seemed to be in a serious need for a nap.

"Go to sleep." Calum whispers to me, kissing me sweetly on the forehead. My eyes flutter shut and soon enough I'm in a deep sleep.

When I open my eyes next I am staring up at the ceiling of my bedroom. I guess I slept for the majority of that car ride. I sit up in my bed and stretch before actually getting up. When I go in to the Lounge I find Calum sitting on the couch watching re-runs of friends and eating what looked like spaghetti bolognese.

I plop on the couch next to him, instantly being hit with the smell of Calum's body wash. I'm guessing he had a shower once we got home, which made me think that I would have to have one later, I probably smelt like salt and sunscreen.

"Hey sleepyhead." Calum grins making me smile.


"Good sleep?" Calum asks and I nod looking down at the plate of his food. "You and your spag bowl." I chuckle.

"This is my perfected dish okay." Calum points out happily and he was right. Calum's spaghetti bolognese was the probably the best I had ever tasted.

"Since it's your perfected dish you should probably give me some." I say and Calum rolls his eyes before holding his fork to me. I take it swiftly before dipping back in the plate and begin twirling some pasta on the fork.

"The things I do for you Genie Scott." Calum shakes his head while smiling. I bring the fork up to my mouth and happily devour what I had collected on the fork before passing it back to him.

"The things I do for you Calum Hood." I grin cheekily at him before hoping of the couch and going into the kitchen. When I get back to the lounge Calum gives me a scolding look as sees what I have in my hands.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now