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"Any luck in finding new people to hire?" I ask Aria wiping down the table in front of me. The cafe was practically empty and we were approaching closing time so we had begun cleaning up.

"I've had a few people hand in resumes I just haven't had the chance to go through any yet." Aria shrugs with a small smile.

"That's good though, we are only getting busier." I grin at her and she lets out a content sigh.

"Yeah we are. You know I think my mum would of loved this place." Aria gazes around her cafe.

"I think so too." I nod in agreement. From what Aria had told me her mother sounded like such an amazing woman and I was sure that Aria was a lot like her.

The bell on the door rings making us turn our attention to it. A tall blonde guy had entered the cafe. Ahh one of those late night customers. We really didn't mind having them but sometimes they liked to stay a little longer than we wanted and we didn't exactly want to kick out customers.

"Oh hey." Aria smiles at him. "Back again?" She lightly laughs. Had he been here earlier? I didn't remember seeing him but then again Aria had obviously served him and not me.

"I am." The guy nods looking over at me. "It's Genie right?" He asks and I slowly nod. I look at Aria who just shrugs.

"My name's Kyle." He introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you Kyle." I smile at him politely. What exactly was it he was doing here? It didn't seem like he was here to get a late night coffee or snack.

"I'm sorry you're probably going to think I'm crazy or something." Kyle stops and shakes his head before meeting my gaze. "I'm not fact I would never ever dream of doing this but I kind of lost a bet." Kyle explains making me frown. What was this kid going on about?

"What was the bet?" Aria asks him looking amused.

"I've been in here a few times with friends and every time I've kind of mentioned that I think you're extremely beautiful." Kyle blushes looking at me. "So Toby betted that if he won the game of pool that we were playing that I would have to come here and ask you that's why I'm here." Kyle explains looking very nervous and embarrassed.

"Oh." I lightly smile. "I'm really flattered Kyle but I actually have a boyfriend." I watch as the colour drains from his face and I feel super bad. I probably would of agreed to go out with him if Aria wasn't standing right there, In her eyes Calum was my boyfriend so I couldn't really say yes to Kyle, which was a Shame cause he was actually really cute and seemed like a nice guy.

"Right." Kyle lets out a small sigh. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay really, nothing to be sorry for." I smile at him.

"Well I think I'm gonna go kill my friend now." Kyle chuckles. "Bye girls." He says before quickly leaving.

I look over at Aria who's grinning from ear to ear. "That was really cute!"

"It kinda was." I shrug.

"Damn Calum." Aria jokes letting out a laugh and shaking her head.

"Yeah, Damn Calum." I laugh moving on to another table.

"You know I so should of gotten his number." Aria scolds herself making me smile. It did surprise me that Aria didn't have a boyfriend. I mean she was absolutely gorgeous and was the sweetest person ever.

"When he comes back just ask for it." I tell her and she looks nervous at just the idea of it.

"I can't do that!" Aria protests making me chuckle.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now