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"I'm so sorry! I had no idea he was like that." Sam apologises once again. She was completely mortified when I filled her in on my 'wonderful' blind date that she had set me up on.

"It's fine." I assure her. "It's not like I'm ever gonna see him again."

"I still feel bad. I just want you to find a great guy." Sam gives me a sympathetic smile. God I hated it when she did that, That sympathetic smile was just her way of pitying me. Sam had meet her boyfriend when she was like sixteen and they had been together since, In her eyes she had the perfect relationship and she desperately wanted that for me.

Now don't get me wrong I wanted a boyfriend but I wanted to do it on my own terms, sure sometimes I really hated being single and would complain about it to the girls but the last thing I wanted was their pity. Claudia and Aria never over-stepped or pushed me but Sam did.

"I know Sam and I'm sure I'll find him eventually." I shrug a small smile on my lips.

"What are we talking about?" Claudia asks bumping in between Sam and I. We were currently at some bar that the boys had picked. It was actually a really good spot, some of the places we had been to in the past that the boys had picked weren't exactly hotspots.

"Genies bad blind date." Sam tells her and Claudia holds back a laugh.

"Oh that." Claudia shakes her head obviously amused. "I don't know why you want a boyfriend so badly G, I mean you're stunning why not just have casual fun?" Claudia asks and I sigh. I had been over this with Claudia so many times. I had never been the girl to have meaningless sex with guys it just wasn't my thing. Claudia had a couple of serious relationships in high school but as soon she graduated she decided that she wanted to be a free agent and just do her own thing which sometimes resulted in one night stands.

"Not my thing." I shrug casually.

"And she's not a slut like you." Sam jokingly grins. "Or Calum." Sam adds looking over at Calum who was talking to some girl.

"As if." Claudia rolls her eyes. We all knew Claudia wasn't a slut, It's not like she was sleeping with a new guy every night.

"Calum's not a slut either." I point out feeling like I had to stick up for my room mate.

"He can be a bit of a man whore though." Sam says making us laugh.

"Who cares? As long as he's wrapping it up it's not an issue." I turn my attention back to the bar still not knowing what drink I want.

"Eh Genie's right Sam, not everyone finds the one at like what fourteen?" Claudia bumps her hip on to Sam's playfully.

"Yeah, yeah. What are we drinking?" Sam asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know but we should probably decide soon. Aria looks like she's getting talked to deaf." I lightly laugh looking at Aria who was helplessly stuck between Ashton and Michael.

"You can never go wrong with vodka." Claudia wiggles her eyebrows before getting the bartenders attention.

"We know that statement isn't true." I point out. Things can always go wrong when vodka is involved yet it was I always ended up drinking.

"Well vodka it is." Claudia shrugs handing Sam and I each a drink.

"I guess so." Sam grins clinking her glass with mine. "Come on let's go save Aria." Us three make our way back over to the seats where we had chosen to occupy for the night.

Aria couldn't look more revealed to see us back. She got along perfectly fine with the boys but when you got stuck with them after they had a few drinks in them you usually got talked to death.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now