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-3 Weeks Later.

So far this whole boyfriend project had been going well. I had not missed having to go stupid blind dates or even being lectured about guys by Sam, although there had been a few talks about Calum that I would of rather not had.

Things between Calum and I were exactly the same expect for the the fact that while around people we would hug,hold hands and kiss and by kiss I mean a couple of pecks here or there.

"Just how can you be sure that his sleeping around days are over?" Sam asks me looking concerned. I couldn't tell you the amount of times we had this conversation already and to be honest it was starting to get exhausting. I know Sam cares and all but seriously she was starting to become like a broken record.

"Sam we have been through this already." I sigh trying my best to mask how frustrated I was.

"But Genie..." Sam starts but then stops obviously choosing her words wisely. "I just don't want you to get hurt you know? And I think that there are so many other guys out there who would be a better match for you." Sam says sweetly.

"Oh my god." I groan. "Calum would never hurt me intentionally and you may think that there would be better guys that are suited for me out there but at the end of the day, it's my choice and I'm happy with Calum. So can you please just drop it?" Sam looks a little shocked but then slowly nods.

Since I had known Sam for so long I usually just put up with what she had to say but sometimes she would push me too much and I would just have to tell her straight.

"Fine." Sam huffs folding her arms over her chest.

"I'll be back." I tell her standing from my chair and going inside. Michael had invited everyone over for a BBQ. It was pretty out of the blue because it was a Sunday night but everyone was happy to attend.

"Dude just man up and ask her out." I hear Michael instruct before I walk into the kitchen.

"Ask out who?" I ask raising my eyebrows at Ashton who I'm guessing Michael was talking to considering Calum was the only other one in the room.

"No one." Ashton says very quickly wanting to dismiss the conversation. I smirk at over at Ashton as I wrap my arms around Calum's waist. "Emma." I hum and Ashton instantly blushes before glaring at Calum.

"You told her!" Ashton accuses Calum who raises his hands.

"I swear I didn't." Calum says honestly and Michael sniggers.

"How did she find out then?" Ashton asks looking at me.

"I saw her name on your phone." I tell him.

"That obvious?" Ashton asks leaning on the bench.

"Uh huh." I lightly smile at Ashton. He seemed to really like this Emma girl which I thought was insanely cute.

"I think it's good Genie knows, now you can get a girls opinion and stop asking us every five minutes." Michael says opening another bottle of beer.

"I do not ask you every five minutes." Ashton mutters.

"Whatever you say." Michael chuckles.

"I'm gonna start the meat." Ashton states grabbing a plate full of steak and leaving the kitchen.

"He's got it bad." I comment. Calum takes my hands in his and unwraps my arms from his waist to pull me into a proper hug. "He really does." Calum agrees placing a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I look at Michael who's watching us skeptically which makes me frown at him. "What?" I ask as he brings his beer bottle to his lips.

"I've never seen you two kiss." Michael states taking a sip of his beer.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now