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-Skipping to Thursday.-

"How do you want your eggs?" Calum asks raising his eyebrows at me.

" about fertilized." I grin at him and he snorts.

"You're funny."

"I know." I shrug. "But seriously I want them scrambled."

"I should of known." Calum smiles shaking his head slightly before turning away from me and facing the stove top.

"Cal I really don't want to go to work." I complain letting out a sigh. As much as I loved the cafe, there were certain days that I just wanted to stay home and this was one of these days.

"So don't go." Calum says simply.

"I have to." I groan standing up from the table and going to stand beside Calum.

"Call in sick."

"Aria would know I was lying." I point out turning to lean my back against the bench.

"So tell her you're love sick." Calum grins and can't help but smile stupidly at him. Maybe I was a little love sick?

"Such a great excuse."

"I know, I came up with all by myself too." Calum says proudly.

"So you're not just all booty after all huh?" I joke.

"Obviously I'm booty and brains."

"Obviously." I agree before looking down at the eggs. "Don't burn them." I tell him and he scoffs.

"Please I'm the master at scrambled eggs Genie."

"Sure you are." I shrug crossing my arms over my chest.

"You should count yourself lucky you know." Calum says. "Most boyfriends don't make breakfast for their girlfriends."

"Wait. Girlfriend? That's news to me." I tease and Calum instantly looks nervous.

"I didn't mean-" Calum starts but I cut him off.

"I know Cal." I give him a small smile. I was his fake girlfriend. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Genie...I..." Calum lets out a sigh. "Fuck it." I watch him in confusion as he turns the element off and then takes the pan off of the heat.

"We need to talk." Calum moves so that he's standing directly in front of me. I notice how tense and nervous he seems which confuses me even more.

"Okay.." I mumble.

"I know you asked me what we were doing and I told you that I didn't have an answer but I do." Calum says taking me by surprise.

"What is it?" I ask my stomach Bubbling with nerves. This could either go really good or really bad.

"Genie." Calum lets out a deep breath and looks at me in uncertainty before smiling. "I think that I might-" Before Calum has the chance to finish what's he's about to say we hear the front door open and then close.

"You've got to be kidding me." Calum grumbles looking extremely irritated .

"Morning." Luke chimes with a big grin, that grin instantly drops when he looks at the two of us obviously figuring out that he just interrupted something.

"Sorry?" Luke chuckles nervously.

"You really need to work on your timing." I tell him before giving him a smile.

"So I've been told." Luke shrugs. I take my eyes off Luke to look back at Calum who I really couldn't read at the moment.

"We can just finish this later Cal." I tell him squeezing one of his hands.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now