Part 10: The Truth

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St. Mungo's

There was something warm on my hand and I could smell something really familiar, a new familiar.

I opened my eyes and it was bright. I was lying in a bed and there was a blanket over me. The bright lights hitting my eyes finally balanced out and everything was calm and relaxing.

I was on a hospital bed. The warmth that was still on my hand gently moved side to side. I looked down and saw a blonde head of hair resting on the side of the bed and the figure was holding my hand.

"Draco?" I said softly, relieved to see him. Memories of the attack at Evergreen Lodge were flooding back. My heart started mildly racing and I heard a beep of a machine speeding up with it.

His head shot up and I could see his blue eyes looking relieved, but still filled with concern at the sound of my voice. He smiled, stood up, and moved the chair he was sitting on closer to me.

"You're okay, you're okay," he said, noticing the heart monitor spiking. "The Order of the Phoenix has placed extra protections here for the time being. We are all safe here."

As I calmed down, he held my hand and rubbed my arm to help me relax.

Softly taking both of my hands in his, he confessed, "we were all so worried about you but the Healer says you will be just fine. Theo is getting some breakfast downstairs right now and Cody is with the Order arranging things but he said he'd be back to see you soon. How are you feeling?" he asked. I could still hear the worry in his voice.

"I think... My head hurts a bit. Where are we?" I asked curiously.

"You're at St. Mungo's. The healer said that you are mending quite nicely," he proudly shared.

"What happened?" I asked as I started to think back to everything that happened at the camp in flashes of memories.

"You had two cracked ribs, a broken hand, mild concussion, —"

"No, Draco... I mean what happened at Evergreen Lodge? What was going on?"

Draco saw the confusion and desperation for answers spread all over my face and said, "let me go get your healer and Theo to tell them you are awake. Theo and I will explain everything after the healer checks to make sure you're okay. Does that sound alright, love?" he said rubbing my arm.

"Alright," I anxiously agreed.

"I'll be right back," and let go of my hand, kissed my forehead and walked out. After he left, I slowly sat up, feeling the half mended broken ribs and hand that Draco mentioned as I moved. I tried massaging my aching head with my good hand but it didn't help in the slightest.

He came back 5 minutes later with a blonde haired woman. Her hair was pinned up in the back and she was wearing a nurse's uniform. Theo was trailing quickly behind.

"Aut!" Theo shouted to me and my head pounded from his shout. I winced from it but still smiled at his excitement to see me awake. The healer gave him a death glare.

"Oh... sorry," he mouthed to me and the healer.

The healer spoke, "Hello Autumn. My name is Quinn. You were pretty battered up when they brought you in from the campground but we have already managed to completely heal all of the surface bruisings and cuts. I'm just going to check on a few things that we are still working on mending for you. But how are you feeling right now?" she asked as she started checking various charts.

"A little sore still and my head is pounding," I shared.

She looked at my eyes, checking my vision, blood pressure, heart rate, and so on. Everything was coming back normal. She gently lifted my left hand and flexed it around a bit, asking if anything hurt. It felt stiff and slightly tender, but nothing horrible anymore. Then she started poking around my ribs and I winced when she poked around my left mid-section.

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