Part 11: Safe House

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The next morning, I woke in the hospital bed feeling like I could run a mile. I was so ready to get up and out of St. Mungo's but had no idea where to go.

It sounded like my adoptive parents would give me up to Voldemort in a second if I went home.

After all of those years, did we truly mean nothing to them? I had moments of hoping that couldn't be fully accurate. They adopted us after all. It had to have been them raising us with a firm hand out of love, deep down. It was even harder for me to believe it all when I couldn't see their betrayal. It left a hole in my heart.

I still hadn't seen Cody yet. He's been with the Order since I woke up yesterday but heard he should be here before they discharge me this afternoon. I hope he had a plan for where we would be going from here.

Draco and Theo had been in and out, trying to prepare for us all going into hiding until school started in about a week from today, which consisted of making quicks trips to Diagon Alley, one store at a time. Last I heard, Theo was off to Flourish and Blotts for all our school books while Draco took my measurements to Madam Malkin's to get my new school robes and a few odds and ends for himself and Theo's uniforms.

The healer, Quinn, made her last visit in to check my vitals with a diagnostic charm and stayed for at least an hour talking to me about her job as a healer. I was so intrigued by her day-to-day life at St. Mungo's and helping so many people in desperate need all in one day. I had always aspired to become a healer since I was young and it just stuck when Cody told me that is what my mother did. Quinn let me know I could owl her directly when I graduated if I was still interested and I made the grades. I promised I would but the prospect of a normal life after the last few days felt like a pipe dream.

Lunch came around noon. It was a Caesar chicken wrap with chips. I was so hungry; just more confirmation that I knew my cycle was about to start. I had asked Quinn for supplies yesterday as I was too mortified to ask my brother, Theo, or Draco. She was happy to help and stowed about 2 months of supplies in charmed crossbody bag she gifted to me. I was so grateful for her.

"How's my little sis doing?" I heard as I finished my last bite of the wrap.

In walked Cody, straight to my bedside, enveloping me in a huge, familiar, warm hug. I was smiling ear to ear, quickly realizing how much I had been missing my brother these past two days.

He pulled away, looking me over.

"I'm doing a lot better than I was," I confessed.  "I'm still here because of you Cody... And Theo and Draco," I said, my voice getting caught in my throat and tearing up for a second, "...I probably wouldn't be here right now if all of you hadn't been looking out for me."

"You are loved, Autumn.... and protected. You're going to get through this if you stay strong," he said, holding my hand.

He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a wand. My wand. I wiped away the sudden tears that fell from eyes.

"You better keep this with you from now on. No more ignoring my suggestions, ay?" he said handing it to me.

"Thank you... And I won't. I'm so sorry I gave you a hard time this week. I was just being stubborn and frustrated about how secretive you were acting. I understand now but wish you would have told me sooner..."

"Maybe I should have.... I just wanted to protect you from what was coming for as long as possible, but that might have put you in more danger and I am sorry for that," he confessed.

"I understand why you thought to," I said. "So you are in the Order now? Is that why you left your job?"

He nodded, "yes, that group I was with the last week was some of the younger Order members."

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