Part 13: Welcome to Hogwarts

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A week had passed at Shell Cottage and it was our last day before Remus Lupin and Cody escorted us to Hogwarts. I was excited to start school but had grown quite fond of this quiet shore life.

I was sitting by the ocean flipping through Molly Weasley's Household Healing book on 'chocolate's natural healing properties'. Turns out it is quite powerful in reversing the effects of a Dementor's kiss.

Theo told me about the school's Hospital Wing run by Madam Pomfrey and how she usually takes on an assistant or two every year to help out. I hoped she would take me on this year for some extra help. The more I dove into Molly and Hermione's books, the more I itched for some hands on experience.

Working for Madam Pomfrey seemed a lot less scary than immersing myself in a new school with all new classmates...

Cody reassured me that no students at Hogwart's would know I was a target for Voldemort when I expressed concerned about it. I was worried that all of the students would pity me or think of me as different but he said everything has been kept under wraps which gave me a lot of peace of mind.

There was rumor that death eaters had quieted down in their search for me. They guessed it was due to them assuming I was already at Hogwart's by now.

"AUTUMN," I heard Cody yell for me up the hill.

I looked back and saw Cody, Theo and Draco up on the hill gathering for our last defensive spells practice session.

I folded the corner of the page I was just reading in Household Healing and joined them up on the hilltop.

"Alright Autumn, last practice session - show us what you got," Cody said proudly.

I smiled, pulling my wand out of my back pocket. "I'll do my best!"

"Why don't you duel Draco?" he suggested.

Draco stepped up and moved across from me, saying "you got this Aut," he encouraged. I raised my wand. He followed.

I quickly aimed at Draco's feet and shouted the first spell that came to mind, "Expulso!"

Sand exploded in front of Draco and he had to shield his eyes, unable to strike back or shield himself.

"Great! Great use of the environment, Autumn," Cody beamed while Draco dusted himself off.

"Alright, now, have a go again," Theo said, enjoying the show.

Draco and I straightened up and held our wands out to each other.

"Stupefy," he shouted. I raised my wand and shouted "Protego" blocking it and returning it with "Flipendo". With a simple motion of his wand, Draco blocked it.

"Fumos," I shouted and smoke surrounded Draco. I shouted "Flipendo" but Draco was able to block it having heard me shout the spell, despite still being swallowed in the smoke still.

I could faintly make out Draco winding up to cast a spell and I quickly shouted "Impedimenta".

Draco froze in place. Cody and Theo started loudly clapping and cheering for me. I smiled looking over at them, quickly unfreezing Draco.

Once he was unfrozen, Draco came over and hugged me tight... "You were amazing!"

"All thanks to you guys!"

"Alright, one last lesson Autumn... we are going to get you conjuring your Patronus," Cody shared.

A pit in my stomach formed. I knew how difficult this one was. "Don't get your hopes up..." I muttered.

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