Part 16: Healing Surprises

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Hospital Wing

Draco kissed me on the forehead. "I'll wait outside."

I smiled at him, pushing the heavy wooden door open with a creak.

The Hospital Wing was beautiful with high arched ceilings and intricate pentagon topped windows along the stretch of room. There were 8 hospital beds spaced evenly throughout the space,  four on each side. Each bed had a thick light blue velvet curtain separating each for privacy. The windows had matching drapery for each window. I marveled at how ornate the swirling texture in the fabrics glowed from the sharp afternoon sunlight streaming into the space. I couldn't wait for the rest of the day exploring the grounds with this beautiful weather that I knew was so rare for Scotland. Taking a step past the lined beds and scouring my sight across the room, I focused on my reason for being here. Find the healer, Madame Pomfrey, and then go on and enjoy the rest of the day with Theodore and Draco.

No students laid in any of the beds so all of the curtain were strung back to the walls, uneeded, showing off how massive and bright it could feel in the room. As I walked around, I noticed it smelled fresh. Clean. Like lemons and alcohol.

A soft voice floated through the space. It was singing.

I looked around for the source, turning around as I heard the sweet vocals of someone get gradually louder behind me. My attention led me to a wooden arched doorway. The door sat halfway ajar. A woman holding 4 large folded blankets in her arms shimmied through the doorway. The bundle of towering blankets were blocking her face but I could make out a small petite frame and silver hair rolled loosely into a bun at the nape of her neck. She headed right for the first bed on the left, completely unaware of me standing not far from her.

She placed a blanket at the foot of the bed and then skipped over to the next bed, matching the rhythm of the song she sung. Her red skirt and white apron flowed with her movements. I smiled as I watched her uninterrupted blissful fun she was having with a rather mediocre task.

As she placed the last of the stack of blankets down, I decided to speak up. "Hello. I don't mean to startle you..."

She spun, stunned to hear someone else in here with her.

"Oi," she laughed, "Well hello there. I didn't think I'd see students quite this early yet. What can I do for you," she said meeting my eyes. Something flickered in her gaze as her eyes glanced over me.

"Oh, no... I'm sorry. I mean... I don't need any mending," I quickly clarified.

Her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

I continued, "My name is Autumn. Autumn Levine. I arrived early. I am a transfer from Beaubaxton. I would be absolutely delighted to help out in the Hospital Wing... if needed, of course. I have been reading healer books this summer and I have been thinking I might want to make it a career... hopefully."

Hopefully, my stomach dropped. If I ever have the chance with what's against me right now. No, stop it. I couldn't keep thinking like that. I immediately shoved those thoughts down and looked at Madame Pomfrey for a response.

She was still looking at me curiously; her eyes tracing over me more than I thought was appropriate for a stranger. I shifted on my feet, becoming slightly uneasy as I couldn't read her. Perhaps she was assessing my physical capabilities. I was thin but I had a decent height to my frame. I was just as capable as she would be with her stature.

Perhaps she was wondering if I received permission to add a mentorship into my curriculum? I added, "I got approval from Professor McGonagall this morning and I have a free day on Thursdays."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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