Part 15: Classes and Captains

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The next morning came quickly. Hermione woke me up at 6:30am, excited to get down to breakfast early to discuss time tables with Professor McGonagall for our 6th Year N.E.W.T. courses. I was excited to be invited and said yes. I also thought if I got my tables sorted early, I could enjoy the end of breakfast with Draco and before our first period classes started. I missed him after getting so used to being together at the cottage for a week.

Hermione and I were in the Great Hall by 7:00am. To her dismay, Professor McGonagall and some of the other staff were not there yet. So we sat and waited while Hermione chatted with me about S.P.E.W and how she'd be happy to make me a chair member. I thought the sentiment was lovely but it sounded a bit like a lost cause as Hermione explained that the only house elf at Hogwarts that really yearned for the change was a house elf named Dobby.

Ron and Harry strolled in 20 minutes later and plopped down next to us. Ron wasted no time filling his plate sky high with eggs and bacon and porridge as him and Harry told Hermione about a conversation they had with the game keeper and Care of Magical Creatures professor, Hagrid, the evening before. I listened as they discussed how he could possibly expect them to take his N.E.W.T. course this year. As Ron stuffed a whole fried egg in his mouth, he said "D'you reckon anyone's going to go onto his N.E.W.T. levels?"

There was a silence amongst all three of them so I spoke up, "I hope to. I've always been fascinated by the subject."

Ron's right eyebrow lifted in shock and then something clicked for him and he leaned in to us.

"Oy, that's it. I say... we introduce him to Autumn. I reckon it'll put us back in Hagrid's better graces after he finds out we aren't continuing on with him."

Hermione's head distractedly snapped around when Professor McGonagall strode down from the staff table to start our reviews, as I pondered if I was going to be the only one in the Care of Magical Creatures N.E.W.T. course. I knew it wasn't the most popular subject, but I couldn't imagine being the only one attending.

I could tell Hermione was anxious and eager as she watched where Professor McGonagall sat at the table so I encouraged her to go first. "Go ahead, it doesn't look like anyone else is rushing to begin."

She agreed and quickly got up to join the professor. She was done within 2 minutes and gleaming ear to ear. She was passed into all 7 N.E.W.T. classes she was hoping for. I was also hoping for quite a few as well; the 5 courses required to become a Healer: Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, plus I was always interested in Astronomy, Divinations and Care of Magical Creatures. All three subjects always fascinated me but I knew 8 classes was going to be too much if Hermione wasn't even doing that many.

As I got up to start my review with the professor, I saw Draco walking in. He too was heading straight for his review with Professor Snape. He winked at me from across the room before sitting down confidently with the Professor. Seeing him gave me a little more pep to my step as I sat down.

"Good morning, Ms. Levine. I hope your first two days have been enjoyable."

"They have. Thank you allowing me to come early, Professor."

"I have to say, I was most impressed..." she said looking over my O.W.L. results. "Considering you had little time to prep, you immensely excelled in your O.W.L. grades yesterday. Many 'Exceeds Expectations' and 'Outstanding'; you are quite a bright witch."

I smiled, feeling more than satisfied by her words, adding: "Ive always worked to keep them high as I could to become a Healer like my mother."

"Ah, yes. And a fine healer you'll make with these scores," she said marking down and passing me for all of the necessary classes to become a healer. "And I see here you have an 'Exceeds Expectations' in Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid will be absolutely delighted if you would like to join his N.E.W.T. level."

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