Part 9: Attack at Evergreen Lodge

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Nearly stuffed from the pumpkin cakes, eggs and chicken sausage breakfast I just scarfed down, Kara feverishly nudged me, "Autumn, Autumn! Draco is headed over here."

I looked over and I saw Draco with a muffin, deviled eggs and apple juice in hand, heading over to our table. Theo was with him, breakfast in hand as well.

It must have been true when he said he had to find Theo to talk. A moment of shame rushed over me for doubting him; for letting other people in my head about who he is.

Theo was clearly who he sent an owl to this morning I remembered. Perhaps to let him know we are pretty much dating now? I was stupid for worrying.

"Hey there, strangers," I said to them.

"Hey Aut!" Theodore said chipper, doing his strangling wrestle hug he does when he sees me and then plopped down at the table. "Hey guys, how's the week been treating you," he asked Kara, Rachel, Aaron and Seth. Draco quietly sat down next to me, putting an arm around my waist.

Rachel stared at that but then quickly caught herself and started, "It's been great, Nott! We've been exploring the waterfalls a lot and canoeing..." and I instantly lost focus. My thoughts were consumed back to that steamy date Draco and I shared just yesterday at the waterfalls.

My focus came back when I heard Theo say my name, "Draco, Autumn, and I are going horseback riding now," taking a mouthful of muffin and continuing, "wooould yoou like to jooin uss?"

Kara laughed, "Sounds like fun but we are heading over to a Camping Charms class that Aaron's dad is leading in 15 minutes"

"Yeah, he's teaching fool-proof charms on ways to start safe fires, foraging and gathering food, forest potions for injuries, and how to charm tents!" Kara said excitedly.

"He's quite the outdoorsman."

"Oh that sounds really interesting!" I said, disappointed to be missing it, especially the potions for injuries part, "you'll have to teach me some of the charms and potions this year."

"I would love that" Rachel said sweetly.

"Alright, we have to get going. Have fun riding," Seth said, getting up and the rest following suit and saying their goodbyes.

I let the boys continue eating while I found the stables on the map. It looked to be on the outskirts of the property and the riding trail encircled the whole campground.

"So the stable looks to be bit far from where we are now and the next session begins in 20 minutes. Do you think you two could finish your breakfast along the walk there?" I asked them.

"Ya, fosho, les jus goo" Theo said shoving the rest of his muffin down his mouth and getting up from the table at the same time. Theo very intentionally slapped Draco in the arm as he was passing him, knocking his apple juice he was currently chugging all down the front of him.

Draco turned fiery red, looking down at the apple juice all over him. He fiercely got up and play punched Theo in the stomach, which then launched muffin crumbs out of Theo's mouth and into the air.

It was truly never a dull month with Theo around, "Clearly, we can't quite walk and eat, I'm sorry I asked so much of you two," I laughed. They continued to rough house the entire length of the long family style cafeteria tables until we reached the exit.

After swallowing down the rest of the muffin, Theo ran ahead to me, putting his arm around me and started to give me a noogie. Again.

"Ahh, Theodore...." I whined. I couldn't help but laugh under my annoyance. He has done this ever since he got a whole head taller than me. It was an ongoing joke between him and Cody.

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