Part 14: The Feast

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I woke up around 7am and headed down to the great hall to find some breakfast. Draco and Theo were already sitting at a table in the corner, devouring a plate full of breakfast hash and sausages.

With a sprawling mouthful of food, Theo stammered "Morning Aut!"

I smiled over at them and a house-elf waddled up to me with a plateful of food and offered up a glass of pumpkin juice.

I sat down next to Draco. He wrapped his arm around my waist as I was starting to get used and placed a soft akiss on my temple.

"How did you sleep, love?" Draco asked.

"Fairly well," I smiled, kissing him back.

"If you're up for it, Theo and I would love to show you around today... after your exams. What do you say?"

"Yes, that sounds lovely," I agreed.

After breakfast, Draco escorted me to the professors office for my OWLS. They took me a little over 2 hours to complete. Once I was finished my brain cells felt like gelatin. I was grateful to see Draco and Theo waiting for me when I walked out.

On the way out of the castle, they showed me around all of the many hallways, classrooms, towers, and courtyards, I couldn't help but get so excited for a fresh start here at Hogwarts. It almost made me forget about everything else going on right now.

Theo retired to finish unpacking while Draco offered to walk me around the grounds and down to the Great Lake. We took a path that followed along the shoreline and I could really see how beautiful Scotland's landscapes were. The mountains and cliffs that surrounded the lake and castle were nothing short of magnificent.

I sat on a large rock at a beach to take in the view and peacefulness of this place. Draco followed me. I looked over at him as he stared off at the castle.

"Draco," I spoke softly, "can I ask you something?"

His attention turned to me, "Anything."

"Yesterday... When you learned I was sorted into Gryffindor. I couldn't help but notice that you looked, well... I don't really know honestly..."

He took my hand in his and said, "I am very happy for you, Autumn. I know you will have no trouble making friends."

"Is that just it?" I said, realizing that I just figured it out, reading between his words.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"They aren't your friends-- quite the opposite really."

Draco opened his mouth to speak but then stopped. He didn't know what to say.

"I appreciate the support. I do. But it's okay to not be happy about it, you know... You don't have to hide it from me." I understood this must be hard for him. Yes, he was different now, especially with me, but that did not mean he would just suddenly befriend everyone he previously had qualms with in his past. There was baggage I don't know a thing about. And I am sure it was the same for them. It was going to be hard accepting some of my new friends and my boyfriend did not get along.

I wanted to speak to him about Dumbledore's request to train me in Occlumency alongside Harry but I wasn't sure if it was quite the right time. It pained me that I couldn't talk to him about this. I hoped things could change but it was not my place to get involved.

"You don't have to say anything," I comforted him.

"But I want to," he suddenly blurted out. In frustration, he buried his head in his hands.

There was a silence and I let it be until he was ready.

When he finally spoke, his eyes welled up with emotion as he looked out at the lake. "I want to be a good person - to be looked at as a good person. The way you look at me. The way you know me. I just don't know how to with them... I can't change what's been said and done. I can't change who I was in past years. I have been such a horrible person to so many of them, made so many of the wrongest decisions," he paused. "I wouldn't want to be civil to me either and I don't expect them to be."

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