Part 12: Shell Cottage

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The next morning, I woke up feeling a sense calm as I listened to the waves crash outside my window. I had mozied my way out of bed and was sitting on the bay window in my room, sipping my coffee I had stumbled across in the kitchen cabinets.

The salty, cool air rustled my long strawberry blonde waves, tickling my arms. I felt goosebumps rise as I rested my coffee down next to me and wrapped my arms around my knees, finding some solace as I mindlessly watched the waves crash.

I thought my mind would be racing after yesterday but instead my mind was blank. I wanted to imagine that it was because I felt so safe here, but I knew, deep down, it was because I knew I had no answers and it would drive me insane to try to figure it out with no resources to go off of so I just started blocking it all out.

I watched as Oakley flew past my window, looking around for mice or insects. She landed on the beach down the hill, pecking at something in the sand.

A knock on my door rang through the room.

"Come in," I invited.

Draco walked in, "good morning".

"Good morning," I said back, scooting over to make room for him on the bay window. He sat beside me, and joined me in watching Oakley scouring the beach for more to eat.

"She's a beautiful owl," he said.

"Thank you," I said smiling and reached for his hand. He squeezed it softly, looking over at me.

I stretched his arm to my chest and kissed it. He moved in closer and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled at him as my hair blew around us from the open window breeze.

I rested my head on Draco's shoulder, breathing softly and looking out at the water again. I felt at peace and whispered, "I love it here - It's so calming..."

"It's perfect," Draco agreed rubbing my arm.

"I almost wish we could just hide here forever," I confessed.

"Almost?" Draco smirked.

I paused, pondering my answer for a moment. "I don't think I could just... hide... It sounds so tempting, but I have to fight for my parents who didn't have the same chance I do."

"And you will. I'm here for you... Whatever that means to you," he said softly.

All of a sudden I thought of Draco's family.

"Are you worried about your mother?"

He didn't say anything at first. My heart dropped, knowing he left her for me. I swallowed, worried.

"Yes," he said honestly.

"I'm so sorry... it's my fault you had to leave her..." my mind started racing to think of ways he could get to his mother. "Can you write to her? Maybe Remus or Arthur could get a team together to help her?"

"Its not you fault, it was my choice. And it's complicated," Draco confessed, "I don't think she will want to leave."

"Because of your farther?"

Draco nodded.

"Can you at least write to her?"

"I don't think that would be wise right now. We need to keep our heads down, at least for now. I won't risk your safety, or hers."

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