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sunday morning, children were running around. 11-year-old mark lee stepped down his car wearing his complete uniform of his desire topped with a long coat. it's getting pretty hot where he is right now and so he decided to take it off and let his bodyguard take it. he looked around with a huge grin. he was beyond excited.

this is incredible. he thought. it was his first camp out without his dad, and he's actually meeting a lot of children his age here.

being in an all-boys camp for the very first time gave him adrenaline rush. he never got the chance to go somewhere without his dad or bodyguard perhaps. and now, he has the chance to make a lot of friends for the first time.

being the son of a famous actor sure gave him privilege on a lot of things except for the fact that his father gets strict with friends. his dad didn't want fake friends who use his son for money.

"now mark," his bodyguard spoke from behind. "there's not gonna be any bodyguards here. you're gonna be on your own, you're gonna make friends but i'm not gonna be here for you. you sure you can handle that?"

"johnny, i told you i'm going to be okay. you and dad don't need to worry about me, i'm a big boy now." he sent a smile to his lovable bodyguard.

"alright, if you say so. now you remember, if you ever change your mind and you want me to come here to get you, i'm only a phone call away." the boy nodded. mark wasn't sure if he saw it right but his bodyguard's eyes were starting to water. the boy sighed and tugged on the man's hand. "don't cry, johnny. i know you want to hug me, come on."

mark slightly pulled his bodyguard down and gave the biggest embrace. he hugged on him so tight as if it was going to be the last. "send my hugs to dad, okay?" he says with the cutest smile.

"mark lee?"

his name spoken by a microphone suddenly interrupted his time with his bodyguard. he looked over to where the sound came from and it was the counselor who spoke his name. "that's me!" he raised his hand.

"petunia!" his cabin name was mentioned and he already knew where he should be going.

his bags were unloaded from the car and the helpers already carried them going into his cabin. he took a look at johnny one more time before the man gave him a kiss on the forehead. "have fun, little prince." his bodyguard said.

"i will, johnny. see you in 3 weeks." the boy said as he waved at his bodyguard.

johnny soon entered the car and the car drove off, leaving the little boy mark. he turned around to see the rest of the place and he sighed in so much happiness. i can't wait to make friends. he says inside his head.

a lot of kids were running around, some were walking with staff people trying to find their cabins. it seemed like some boys already made friends on their first day. he's going to be here for the next 3 weeks, that equaled to around 20 days of camp. he's not gonna be seeing his trusted bodyguard and especially his dad for that long. he was a bit sad but at the same time excited.

i hope they like me. he sighed once more before grabbing the last bag left. he followed where the staff were leading him to and was more than excited to make friends with his cabinmates.

when he entered the room, there were 6 kids setting up their own things. "hi." he said and the rest of the kids inside the room turned to look at him.

"hi!" they all said in unison. they looked excited to meet him as well. "you're mark lee? you can set up here. this is going to be your bed, we hope that's okay with you." one friend said.

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