. n i n e t e e n .

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the flight back to seoul was excruciating. he kept thinking of taeyong and how to make this work. he was jittery the entire ride and minhyung was getting jittery now too.

he called his ex-husband about the twins switching places and immediately booked a flight to unswitch them back. or so taeyong thought.

when they got to taeyong's house, or what jaehyun likes to call his old house--memorable and indelible, there were the kids already waiting outside for them. they rose from the steps and approached the car that drove into the driveway.

sungchan, without knowing a thing, hurriedly hugged his newfound father and asked, "dad, i missed you! are you staying for good now?"

mark and minhyung looked at each other and back to meet their dad's eyes. they were staring intently in their father's eyes like they were intimidating their own dad to say the right thing.

"i have to find your papa first, okay? is he inside?" he chose to dodge the subject and just came for the man he was supposed to see.

"papa left for a meeting. he told us to tell you that it was urgent and he'll meet you for dinner." it seems oddly unconvincing that he looked at his twins and they just shrugged off their shoulders. "alright." he sighed and accepted.

jaehyun began to take their bags out the car and asked the house helper to bring them in while he deals with his excited son.

"dad, how long are you staying? are you bringing mark hyung back to america? will you bring me to america too? how about papa? will you bring him to america too? daddy, what if we all have a vacation in america?" the youngest boy asked one after another while he pulled his dad inside the house.

ahh, my heart is already aching, sungchan-ah. jaehyun thought.

in the house, jaehyun prepared himself to meet the ex-husband. he went to see what kind of clothes he brought, what should he wear for dinner. even if it is just dinner with the family, he insisted to wear something that would catch taeyong's eyes. it's like he was preparing to court taeyong all over again.

ahhh, good times that was. he thought. indeed it was a rather nice memory. his favorite flowers that he bought with the last of his savings just to give on his most special days. the food he tried so hard to learn from the internet so he wouldn't skip meals. and the memorable dates they had every late night that they had to jump out their windows so their parents wouldn't see.

all that so he could get that sweet yes. but then, they just believed that great moments are not meant to last forever.

but oh, here we are, he's trying again. for the second time, that is.

a knock on the door was heard and he swiftly turned to see. "mr. jung? i was asked by your children to bring you to the restaurant."

"right. did they get there already?" he asks.

"they're on their way, sir."

"okay, i'll get dressed then we can go." he says and the helper closed the door. he sighs, whatever your plan is, this better be worth it.

when he finally settled on a fancy turtle neck and some slacks, he grabbed everything necessary and went straight out the door. he wouldn't want his kids and taeyong waiting so long for him so he insisted to hurry his ass up.

stepping out the car, he went for the receptionist and quickly asked. "good evening, sir. do you have a reservation?"

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