. f o u r .

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exactly two weeks has passed and they have already taught each other everything there is to know about each other's life. family members inside the house, favorite food, favorite clothes, house directory and even their pets. sungchan have met his other brother and was even more excited to know the revelation. they've told him everything about the plan and totally went along with it.

next on their list is physical appearance. it was gonna be pretty hard because they look totally opposite, except for their face that totally resembled one another's.

for one, mark had black hair and minhyung had blonde. minhyung's hair was bleached too early for his age. and that's because he had a cool papa, a little strict with it though. but minhyung always had dye with him incase he wanted to change colour without his papa knowing. so maybe it was easier than they thought.

or at least they thought. as it turns out, only mark got his hair dyed because it was only blonde dye left in his bag.

they figured it would be okay somehow, they were both great liars. they were sure they could make something up.

second, eyebrows. now this one's tricky. minhyung has scar brows. this actually caused a war between him and his papa. he was grounded for days because he scarred a part of his brow. now he doesn't know how he was going to persuade mark with this.

his hair was being treated already and he was drying it. "a few more days and your hair would be fresh coloured." minhyung said holding his towel.

"alright next." minhyung said and rummaged through his box and found the blade. he held it up and mark got a little scared. "dude, what are you gonna do?"

"i'm gonna shave a part of your right brow." he said so casually to try and see if mark would object. and yes, he did.

"what?! no way!"

"what do you mean no way? look at my eyebrows, kiddo. one is scarred." minhyung rolled his eyes.

"but it's so weird! i never wanted my eyebrows to be shaved even just a little bit." he whined and laid back to his bed.

"oh come on, mark! if you're not gonna let me shave your brows, then dying our hair would be a complete waste." he started to get the things ready in front of the mirror and mark only pouted touching his brows.

"i can't go to camp with a slit brow and come home without. come on, get real. now sit here, let's finish this thing." minhyung smiled at him.

mark only pouted and thought of it carefully. for me to meet my papa. and he sighed with a loud groan before walking towards the chair. "you better not mess this up." he glared.

minhyung held the blade with a smile and mark could only say, "oh god, oh god, oh god."

"boys! time to say your last goodbyes, the buses are loading."

the two boys couldn't let go of each other's tight hugs. it's as if they were glued to each other. they sure are gonna miss each other so much but they have to make the most of their time in different cities just to get to know their parents. they know they'll see each other soon--or as soon as their parents find out they were switched.

"i'm gonna miss you so much." mark said with little tears coming out of his eyes.

"me too. okay game plan?" minhyung said and mark nodded as they separated from the hug. "i'm gonna find out how papa and dad met."

"and i'm gonna find out why they broke up."

"and what am i supposed to do?" the little boy sungchan pouted from beside his brothers and acted oh so cutely. mark snickered, "don't worry little one, you're part of the plan." mark said and ruffled his hair.

"alright. so call me for updates whenever you can?" minhyung asked.

"yeah. i put my number in your notebook and i have yours too." mark replied.

they both sighed and held each other's hand. "mark, i'm so nervous. what if we screw this up?" but the other boy only squeezed his hand with a giant smile. "don't worry. we're twins now, nothing can keep us apart once they know."

"mark lee! your car is here!"

they looked at the attendant carrying a megaphone. "that's you. i've put my passport and other details in your bag. i have yours in mine. and johnny hyung will pick you up at the airport." mark said still holding his hand.

"alright. your flight is longer but papa's secretary will be picking you up in the airport when you land. give papa a kiss for me?" minhyung reminded.

"yeah. and give dad one for me?"

"i will." minhyung crouched down and faced his little brother. "you be good, okay? you're gonna spend some time with mark hyung for a while, but don't bust us out so soon, hmm 'kay?" minhyung gave a small kiss on sungchan's temple and hugged him tight. "i'm gonna miss you little one. i have to go, please be good with your mark hyung. and give papa another kiss from me."

"bye, hyung. see you soon." sungchan smiled like his papa and gave a flying kiss as he walks away.

when minhyung finally got in the car, the two brothers watched as the car drove away. "guess it's just you and me now, sungchan-ah?" mark looked at his brother and they both giggled having a high-five and walking away.

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