. t w e n t y .

621 38 11

(a/n: music for the second half)

the look of utter pain and disbelief crossed the twins' face. they look exactly like each other now. they kept looking back at their parents thinking if this is going to be the last time they're meeting like this, like a complete family.

maybe things are just too complicated for them to understand. maybe they're too young to fix something like this.

"you're just gonna stop trying?" mark says.

"you're not even gonna try even just for us?" he adds. "maybe not for us anymore but for sungchan perhaps?"

mark's tears started to fall. "what's gonna happen to him, dad? it's the first time i've been with him, it's your first time to be with him. then we're just gonna leave?"

the only words that ran through jaehyun's head was 'i'm sorry' and it's not even enough for him even if he repeats it over and over.

"and papa? what about him? it's the first time i had a papa, all these years it's just been you and me. minhyung also only had his first time with you and we're just gonna leave them?"

"and how about minhyung? i'm gonna be away from my twin brother? and my baby brother?" they don't realize how much it's taken a toll on the twins.

they kept thinking they were gonna understand someday but it's hard to tell they actually would.

"minhyung, why aren't you saying anything? they're gonna keep us apart!" the scared look on mark's face was evident for minhyung to see.

but mark can't do anything about it. he has no power over his parents. in the end, it's still their papa and dad who would have the final decision.

"makeu-yah..." he starts as he looks him in his eyes, pooling tears in his sockets. "it's not gonna work."

the tiny ray of hope vanished from mark's face. slowly, he started to lose it and stared in his brother's eyes matching the exact same energy.

minhyung's giving up too. he thinks. which means we've reached the end of the road.

they're too damaged.

"but..." he sniffs. "that would mean we're moving back for good."

minhyung began to cry it all out. he hugged his brother tight while mark still stared into the abyss, looking for answers anywhere. there was none.

minhyung sniffed and tightened his embrace even more.

"i guess... we better head back so i could start packing." mark utters almost a whisper.

he wrapped his arms around his brother and quietly sniffs. he soon let go and took a look at his parents. he made eye contact with his papa and more tears welled up his eyes.

suddenly, he made his way to his papa and gave him a rather tight embrace by the neck. he sobbed so much quietly and took his precious time to feel his papa's warmth for the last time.

"i'm gonna miss you."

and taeyong now realized how much he hurt his children. this pains him twice as when he separated with jaehyun. he looks at jaehyun's side and he sees minhyung hugging his dad as well.

this is what they have to go through. he thinks.

"i love you so much, mark. always remember that." he whispers by his son's ear as he hugged him back tighter.

soon, his son let go and mark faced his dad. "i'll tell ten hyung that we're going back to new york so he can get us tickets." and the twins left the place with tears in their eyes.

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