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it's the next day and mark and sungchan just landed. mark was expected to lead sungchan since he was much younger than him. and it was no lie sungchan was already having fun with his new brother. he was really trustworthy too, minhyung didn't actually expect he could keep a secret that they had a plan to switch at first. but sungchan was so happy with the revelation of his new brother that he agreed to whatever they ask of him.

mark already took him to buy food, they bought souvenirs from the camp gift shop and the airport stores using their pocket money and sungchan had fun. if minhyung hyung was here, we would have thrice as fun. he thought.

"alright sungchan, you know our papa's secretary, right? can you help me find him? or her?" mark asked as they carried their carry on bags whilst he held his little brother's hand.

sungchan giggled cutely. "it's him, hyung. papa's secretary is a him." he said and wandered his eyes around until he found the man. "and that's him!" sungchan pointed. "ten hyung!"

"oh! minhyungie, sungchanie!" a man with black hair waved at them. he was rather dishy for a guy if an adult looked at him. oh, if johnny hyung meets him, they'd totally hit it off. but it wasn't time to play cupid as of now.

"eyy!" the man ran to them and hugged them both. "your papa and i missed you. hmm, three weeks was really long, didn't you miss us?" he asked with a blinding smile. he's really attractive. mark thought.

"of course we miss you hyung!"

"did you two eat yet? should we get you lunch? was the flight such a pain? ohh you poor things, are you having jetlags?" the man had unending questions and sungchan laughed. "hyung, we're fine. we had lunch and we just wanted to go home to rest. we wanna see papa already."

"alright." their hyung smiled and grabbing their hands. "now, let's get your bags so we can go home."

the ride home was exciting. mark has never been to korea before so everything he was seeing was all new to him. he hopes his years of learning korean in his international school was enough. 

"so?" their ten hyung started as he looked behind from the front seat. "aren't you gonna tell me what happened in camp?"

"we had sooo much fun! we met new kids, some of our new friends live here in seoul too." sungchan cheered with his arms up. "uncle tennie, can we visit them?"

"hmm, we'll let your papa know first, okay?" ten smiled and accepted the call from his boss.

"yes, i already have them with me... we're on our way home... yes hyung..."

sungchan tugged on his sleeve with a smile. "that's papa, you wanna talk to him?" the little boy asked. but mark was nervous as hell. was he ready to speak to his papa? he hasn't even run the complete minhyung details inside his head yet. he might slip some things out.

"minhyungie, it's your papa. you wanna talk to him? he misses you." ten gestured the phone to him but mark was too nervous to accept.

he shook his head but gave out a smile. "i wanna surprise him when we get home." he said lightly and it was enough to convince ten. and so the secretary smiled.

"your babies wanna surprise you when they get home so i don't think they wanna speak yet."

mark continued to look out the car and tried to read some korean words from a signage to see if he still has a hold of korean characters inside his head. as he smiled at what he sees, he looked for more wonderful sights. 

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