. t w e l v e .

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looking out the window, he felt nostalgic. it was his first time seeing the changes made around the concrete jungle of seoul. after the decade of not stepping foot into the country, he felt like shaking inside. the primary reason of his departure from this city is what brought him back here now. oh how he was dreading to see his ex-husband's face.

his ex-husband doesn't even have any idea why he could be here. he awaits his reaction but fears it at the same time. what will happen to the twins if he finds out they were switched? he thought. what if he already found out?

as the car turned around the block, he spots a rather wide gate. it was crazy how minhyung was the one who got them a cab, told directions, and almost even acted as his tour guide at that. he remembers most of the things the kid pointed out, and he looked at his son who smiled all the way as he did. what will happen if minhyung and him gets separated soon?

minhyung was also the one who asked the cab to a stop. outside was a huge white brick wall and a black gate. jaehyun only stared outside until he felt minhyung hold his hand from beside him.

"dad, we're here." he said.

they both got out and proceeded to take their bags out of the trunk. "see dad, it's fun to ride the cab too. even if johnny hyung is not here yet." minhyung added as he helped his father.

as the cab driver was paid and took off, jaehyun looked at the huge wall. same land, different house. he said inside his head. he held his son's hand a little tighter and they both walked up closer to the gate.

the rang the buzzer and they know someone's already looking through the cameras. minhyung said his papa rarely fired house staffs. i hope they recognize me after almost a decade had passed.

it took them a while before guards opened the gates. minhyung and jaehyun thought they were going to be interrogated through speakers but they guessed they were recognized. did taeyong recognize me?

as the gates were opened, it revealed a slim man, a little shorter than him. no, it wasn't taeyong. it's ten.

"it is him."

"oh my god."

he heard staff from behind the man gasp. "jaehyun..." ten almost said in a whisper, eyes fixated on the man. his eyes traveled down and saw the other twin. "oh, minhyung!" he almost screamed and went in to hug the small boy.

"hyung!" he smiled discreetly. he knew his ten hyung was quick-witted. it wasn't gonna take long for him to bust them out. but he also knew his ten hyung could keep a secret.

jaehyun was left shocked to see ten first. he never changed his right-hand man. i knew ten will never leave his side. inside his head, he was genuinely happy. his ex-husband wasn't left by his best friend. he knew he trusted the right guy.

"jaehyun, what are you doing here?" ten  asked as soon as he was back in position.

"it's a long story. i suppose you know the story by now?" jaehyun let out a small smile.

ten sighed lightly and also smiled. "i do. minhyung sent me a text using an international number. i believe that number is yours? your little brats are something, huh."

"we just came to see taeyong. i'm here to explain everything that happened. does he know?" jaehyun asked. ten only shook his head no. "i'm the only one who knows."

he stepped closer and tried to keep his voice down. "i must warn you, though. right now's not the best time. the boys are being scolded and i don't know how he'll take it if he sees you here."

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