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mark and sungchan eventually told him what really happened. and although ten loves his two nephews with all his heart, he couldn't agree with their plan.

"babies, as much as i love you both from the bottom of my heart, i can't agree with your plan."

"hyung, why??" mark and sungchan whined with a pout. ten found it cute but settled himself comfortably on the bed. 

"because," he started. "your uncle doyoung haven't done anything bad. he's not up to something, he just wants to love your papa. he's not like those people who's after the money of a powerful man, he's in love your papa."

mark and sungchan pouted looking down. "babies, when you grow older, you're gonna understand it too. so for now, why don't we just let your papa be and go to sleep, hmm?"

"ok, hyung." mark didn't let go of his pout and got tucked in the bed by his uncle tennie. until their goodnights with ten, they both still had their pouts.

"goodnight, honey." ten kissed their temples and slowly walked out the room.

as he closed the door, he had his hand on his chest breathing satisfyingly. mark is here. he thought. i can't believe mark is finally back.

on the other side of the world, it's another morning of minhyung pretending and spending time with his dad. he was supposed to be packing up but his bodyguard already did it all for him. by now, minhyung realizes he's not just a bodyguard for him.

he was so excited to go out with his dad and even though johnny was going to be left behind for personal matters, minhyung was still excited. he wished his bodyguard could come with because it was to be lonely with him on his own in the house.

"dad, can't johnny hyung come? he's all alone in here." minhyung asked his dad as they ate their breakfast.

"sweetheart, you know johnny has personal matters to take care of. but don't worry, he's gonna follow us once things are done." his dad smiled with dimples coming out. huh, why didn't i get dimples as deep as dad's?

a few moments later, they were done with breakfast and johnny came out to speak to his boss. they were talking so quietly but minhyung didn't bother eavesdropping and just started getting ready to go.

"markie, let's go. the car's here."

minhyung got his last bag and ran out excitedly going to his dad. his dad found it cute and ruffled his hair. "hmm, you're really excited huh?"

"uhh johnny, don't forget to follow. you know this little man's gonna be a big grumpus if he doesn't see you there." jaehyun reminded of their bodyguard before settling their bags in the car. "yes, sir jung. i'll promise to follow."

on the car ride, minhyung fidgets with his fingers. he misses home and wanted to check up on them at least once a day. and now, he has to ask his dad for his personal phone like mark instructed.

"dad," minhyung started. his dad looked at him, again with the dimpled smile. "when can i get a hold of my phone?"

jaehyun stared confused and tilted his head. "oh yeah, i forgot about your phone already. well, it's back in the house. do you want me to buy you a new one when we get to miami?"

this shocked minhyung and immediately shook his head no. "oh, no dad. i'll just get it when we get back." he smiled.

"you sure, sweetheart? we can buy you a new one. besides your phone is getting kinda old, don't you want a new one? i'll get rid of the old one for you."

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