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maybe mark glaring at his papa's friend wasn't the right move. he was sent to his room after their day out and he just locked himself from his papa and even sungchan. he didn't go out and the helpers only brought him snacks since he wouldn't show himself.

he needed to find a way to confirm what he saw earlier that day. he was so sure that something between his papa and the so-called "friend" was not just plain friendship.

suddenly, there was a knock from their door. he figured it was just the house helpers so he didn't bother getting up again and opening the door. but the door opened and revealed his papa.

"minhyung-ah? can we talk, honey?" taeyong's soothing voice somehow lessened mark's anger. it's an effect he has on people.

he didn't answer anyhow, but his papa just sat on his bed while mark continued to look away covering his face with the comforter.

"what was wrong earlier, minhyung? why were you rude to your uncle doie?" the parent asked. but mark continued to stay silent. "you were okay before you left for camp, right?"

"it's nothing, papa." he said lowly.

"there's gotta be a reason, honey. you like him so much, then all of a sudden you were rude to him. giving him a cold shoulder? glaring? what was that all about?"

"papa, it's nothing. i'm just tired probably because from yesterday. i'm sorry." mark said and it was a signal for his papa that he doesn't wanna talk yet.

"alright, i know there's really a reason. just so you know, i'm gonna find out what it is." his papa said before giving him a warning look. he stood up and left the room.

when it was only mark left in the room, he only looked at the door where his papa disappeared. how was he going to find a way to prove what he saw? maybe i could get clues if i wander around the house?

but first, he has to apologize for his actions sincerely. he sighed sitting up on the bed. he dragged himself out the door to try and find where his dad went.

when he got out, he could faintly hear the cartoon's voices from the tv in the living room. sungchan is busy watching. he thought. he walked around the second floor to try and find if their papa is in the room.

when he reached his papa's door, he could hear faint sounds. his papa must be speaking to someone. but there could possibly be no one in his room other than him so mark thought it was just his uncle ten.

"i'm really sorry, i didn't expect minhyung to act that way. i don't know what happened either."

"i know, doie. let me sort this out first before i tell them about us."

so it really is true? papa's already dating? that's gonna totally ruin the whole plan. mark thought. now he was sure, he needs to tell sungchan right away. he ran hurriedly down the stairs hoping to still catch sungchan watching his favorite show.

he was caught up with his favorite sow, really. he looked like he wasn't taking his eyes off the screen anytime soon. he ran to him, almost tripping on scattered pillows, before he yanked the boy off the sofa.

sungchan was totally baffled by his new hyung's actions but remembered it wasn't his minhyung hyung. "makeu hyung, where are you taking me?"

mark only shushed him with his finger up his lips before continuing to run up the stairs. they stopped on their papa's ajar door. "stay quiet and listen."

"yes, you know i love you."

"i''ll talk to them i promise."

"well, give me a few weeks at least before i drop the bomb on them. what do you think they'll say when they find out their papa's already dating again?"

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