. e l e v e n .

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(A/N: merry christmas! <3)

"do you know this boy you went to isolation with?" the father asked.

he was beginning to worry. he knows the name well--too well. it's impossible for them to not have figured things out from spending too much time while their faces are literally alike. if they had the chance to know each other in that isolation cabin, it's also not impossible for them to switch places.

the weird acts? weird questions? change of appearance? the shock was mixing with his exhaustion so well that he's starting to get dizzy.

out of all the camps he could've sent mark to, destiny had to play and put them in the exact same place.

if this is all true, he's glad--overwhelmingly glad that he saw his other son, finally. but his ex husband's reaction is what he's dreading for.

"dad..." the boy started. "i am the boy mark went to isolation with."

the father could only let out an almost quiet gasp in absolute surprise. both his hands found its way to his mouth completely dropping the paper down the counter. his eyes pierced through his son. "that means..." he could only whisper without even finishing his sentence.

"dad, i'm minhyung." it wasn't his plan to tell his dad yet. but well, here it is anyway.

all of a sudden, their time as father and son from before the divorce came flashing in his mind as if he could almost see it face to face. it was their only time together. 2 year-old lee minhyung on his daddy's arms, leaving him faint kisses and whispers of how much he loves him was his only last memory before leaving to fly with mark going to new york.

9 years later, he's all grown up, just like mark. he's matured, like mark. they are so alike that jaehyun didn't even notice the differences if it weren't pointed to him besides the obvious things.

he couldn't actually believe it's the one-third of his heart standing in front of him. it was almost too impossible, yet it's not. they made it happen. mark and minhyung did something that made their daddy really happy. happier than he's been in almost a decade.

he walked slowly towards his son before kneeling down his height and staring at him with tears filling his eyes. this is minhyung. and finally, he hugged his son. he's hugging his son for the second time after 9 years. this is not a dream, is it? oh how he wished to the gods that it wasn't. because it felt almost too good to be true.

but when he felt his son hugging him back, his tears fell slowly, one after another. oh this is real, alright.

he didn't think he'd meet his son first before seeing his ex husband in person. somehow, it's much better.

"oh wow, you've grown so much." he said scanning his face one more time.

"why do you keep saying that? johnny hyung said that to me too." jaehyun took a look at the tall man from behind the little boy almost giving him a judging look. he knew this and didn't tell me?

ahh whatever, minhyung is what matters. "i'm literally the clone of mark, dad. it's not that surprising that i grew up just like him." minhyung chuckled and smiled softly at his dad as they all laughed.

"but what are you doing here? how did you get here?" there were a lot of questions in jaehyun's mind at the moment that he didn't even know where to start. but then he remembered it's already far too late in the night that they both need rest.

"you know what? why don't we grab a special breakfast tomorrow before we head to the big house then we'll talk about everything, is that okay? for now, it's already late, you and i should sleep." jaehyun spoke gently waiting for mark's answer.

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