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a day later, minhyung and his dad left florida to meet the rest of his cousins in their grandparents' house. he doesn't know where it is but he's excited to meet more of his family.

when he looked out the window of the car, he had his jaw dropped. he definitely knows where he is now. he's seen this place on tv before and magazines from his papa's room. he felt so lucky to be knowing that his dad's family lives here.

dang mark, you didn't tell me you have a place in the hamptons. he yelled at his brother inside his head.

the car drove a few more before stopping at a dreadfully amazing house. it was like an old style mansion but vibrant with tall trees, fountains, and lights. he wondered if he's in a reality show of those little boys touring the audience in his house. that's a deep thought, minhyung. stop it.

"get inside, mark. your grandma missed you so much." his dad told him as he helped the driver take their luggage out of the car.

but minhyung was scared to get inside without his dad. he doesn't know this place yet. "what's wrong, bud?"

"are you shy?" his dad added with a chuckle. "don't worry kiddo, it's just your cousins. and johnny's already there."

minhyung smiled but before he could turn around, a woman came out of the house. "i thought i heard my son and youngest grandson! ahh!" she is the grandmother.

"go to grandma, markie. she missed you." minhyung didn't hesitate to come running to the door and giving his grandmother a tight hug. "oh, what happened to your hair? i haven't seen you in so long, a lot must've changed in you. better convince your dad to bring you here more often so i can always make your favorite." she smiled.

from outside the house, minhyung can hear voices of little kids and teenagers. he saw them running around, mostly kids around his age.

"sorry we haven't been visiting mom. i tried to finish all my shoots before mark could come home from camp. guess i'll be free for another three months." he heard his dad say. he didn't pay attention much longer when he heard his name being called by a bunch of boys.

"mark!" a group of little kids as well as teenagers went to the door to meet him. they all hugged him and he hugged them back. now, he's gonna need name tags because mark definitely left this part out of his orientation.

maybe this is the time he's gonna be busted for pretending. oh no.

he was picked up by a tall guy and spun around while they laughed. from afar, he saw johnny drinking a glass of whatever looking at him knowingly. it was a rather weird look.

"mark, why don't you freshen up in your room? we just got here, after all. then we'll have lunch." thanks for saving me dad. "johnny, will you take mark's bags to his room, please?" their grandma asked of the kind man and it was another save for minhyung.

he looked at his johnny hyung and he still had that weird look on his face. it made minhyung think what was going on inside his head.

when they reached the room, johnny set the bags on the ground and closed the door. his room was pretty. just like his room in his house, more like mark's room.

johnny started sorting his bags, taking out the essentials one by one. he looked around the room wandering through mark's stuff. he has a lot of action figures.

"did you have fun in miami?" johnny suddenly asked. minhyung looked back to answer. "oh yeah. you should've been there with us."

"well, i think i forgot to put something in your bag when i packed your things. did you know what i missed in there?"

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