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it was night and mark still couldn't sleep. the lights were out and his friends put on flashlights to read their books. he closed his eyes and forced to sleep but something else was really bugging his mind.

aside from that, he finally remembered where he can see the resemblance of that small boy named sungchan. he got up from the bed and went to his suitcase. he took out his tin can box and rummaged through dozens of papers and photos. until he found the one.

it was a photo of his papa. the papa he's never met in his life.

the wrinkled photo with marking's on the back was stolen from his dad's drawer of his deepest secrets. his dad didn't even realize it was already gone because he chose not to look back at it for at least 2 years now. mischievous mark always found something valuable back in his younger days.

he figured his papa was famous because the shot in the photo looked like he was a big deal and it looked like it was a professional photoshoot as well. he wanted to know his papa and look for him, even online, but he doesn't know his name.

he couldn't ask his dad because he was afraid he'd yell at him or even tell him to forget about it. but he couldn't forget about it. for years, he wanted to know.

he studied his papa's features but then, one of his friends came up behind him. "couldn't sleep?"

he flipped the photo and put it back his box before hiding it behind his luggage. he faced the boy and it turns out to be haechan. "hey, why aren't you asleep yet?" he asked back.

"i just asked you that." haechan said with a pokerface. he fixed himself on mark's bed and brought out his playing cards. "are you anxious about that kid that looks like you?" he said as he shuffled cards.

mark didn't answer and just watched how the cards flipped over his fingers and shuffled back to the deck. he did usual tricks mark would already know. and he wasn't getting tired anytime soon so he decided to stay up with haechan and play whatever game. they didn't try to bother their friends who read in peace. 

"could it be possible that... you're related?"

"that's impossible." mark, then, stole the deck from his hands before starting to shuffle again. "is it though?" haechan answered. "you didn't even know i had a twin from the other cabin. what if you see him and mistaken him to be me?"

mark stared at nowhere for a few seconds and shuffled again. "that only happens in movies, haechan." he said and started dealing two cards.

"hey, i don't know how to play poker." haechan answered pouting.

suddenly, they hear a noise coming from outside their cabin. they turned to look at each other and mark decided to come out to see what it was. "mark don't."

"why not? i'm just checking to see." mark said putting on his slippers and walking towards the door. oh this boy! haechan whined inside his head.

they weren't supposed to be out because it's already lights out and if they're caught coming out of their cabins, they're going to be punished. "renjunie!" haechan whisper-yelled to the reading boy asking for help to stop mark.

"mark, don't go out!" renjun whisper-yelled as well trying not to wake the others.

"you're such a scaredy cat, no one will even see." mark was absolutely not backing down and proceeded to open the door before going out.

 he looked around to see where the fuss was coming from. it looked like a group of boys were fooling around and plotting a prank to the next cabin boys. he stepped out and his awaken friends were left to observe his actions from the windows and the door.

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