. s e v e n t e e n .

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in the mere view of taeyong's physique, he looked like he was doing pretty well with the moving on and coping stuff. but one month had passed and there he found himself crying in the middle of the night as his screen flashed a page where his ex-husband's face was seen along with another girl rumored to be his girlfriend.

jesus christ taeyong, just move on already. get over it it's been 10 years. he kept repeating inside his head.

but what was the page about? an article that was titled "prada's it boy, jeffrey jung, causes internet controversy with ysl's it girl, roseanne park" came in bold letters. taeyong swore he wouldn't read it, but he did.

the two were seen dating in paris during the weekend. roseanne's instagram post say a lot about their recent rendezvous. neither parties have denied the on-going rumors about their relationship. it seems like they are close to confirming their status. to know more about the real score between them, stay tuned to find out!

he tried so hard to fight it that his head was actually beginning to hurt. he looked at the ceiling where his skylight showed the stars twinkling in the night. my fear is finally happening. he thought. jaehyun has found someone else.

thinking this makes it a little hypocritical. taeyong had found another love before jaehyun. although it didn't work out because jaehyun was still occupying his heart, it hurts him to think that he's not the one for jaehyun anymore. he finally realized no one could get rid of him in that beating heart. no other tall guys, no other handsome faces, no other sweet words could ever replace him.

how could i fall this hard for that jerk? he cried. it's all over now. this is where he will finally move on. for real this time. because there's already someone else in jaehyun's life.

it's over, for real.

imagine taking 10 years to move from a guy you have three kids with? completely terrible feeling.

as taeyong felt another tear starting to build up, he blinked it away but it ended up falling down the sides of his face. he sighed for the nth time and decided to stand up. he fixed his hair first with lazy hands before reaching over to get his robe. he wore his furry black slippers and decided to get out his room.

he walked out, went straight to the stairs and proceeded to his kitchen. he didn't think anyone was there so he went straight for the fridge in the cold dark room.

the refrigerator light illuminated the place as he looked for something that would probably help him sleep. he was too occupied with moving things in his fridge that he didn't notice walking past his son in silky pajamas sitting on the counter with a glass of milk in hand.

he took out a half finished bottle of zinfandel and opened the cupboards for a glass. he poured the remaining of the bottle and stared at the glass filled with red. i guess you'll be the one putting me to sleep tonight. he thought to the glass of wine.

he held the glass by the stem but was stopped with a hand on his. the tiny little hand appeared to be his son's. 

"papa, please don't." he pleaded. "i know you don't wanna end up this way."

his son's face resembled a child filled with worry. it's not the first time his eldest has seen him like this and even though he makes sure they don't see him alone with alcohol, his children have surely caught him a few times.

"sweetie what are you doing here? it's late." taeyong tried to take the empty glass of milk from his hand but his son already proceeded to put it in the sink and beat him to it. he, then, held his papa's hand again.

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