. s e v e n .

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waking up on a whole new bed, in a whole new room, at a whole new house felt different. it was like living a whole new life in a parallel universe. except, this was the life of mark when he lives in new york.

minhyung got up and rubbed his eyes looking at himself in the mirror. huh, this is how mark wakes up.

for a second, he actually thought he was in some kind of freaky friday show. then he realized, he is supposed to be mark--except, the change of hair color and brows.

"markie!" a sudden yell was heard from outside his door. it opened and revealed a tall man, his bodyguard. "wow, i almost didn't realize you changed your appearance. uhm, you dad wanted me to wake you up, you're going out for breakfast today and going shopping all day."

yes! first activity out with dad! he cheered inside his head but only smiled to his bodyguard. he immediately grabbed his fluffy bathrobe from mark's hanger stand and quickly went out to see his father.

"hey dad!" he greeted a man holding his ipad with a coffee in hand.

"hey little champ!" his dad bent down to receive a kiss from his little boy. "you ready to go out with daddy?"

"yes! where are we going, dad? other than breakfast and shopping, of course." the little boy opened their fridge to get his own banana milk--like what mark had instructed.

"well, today i get the feeling that you wanna go to ocean odyssey again or fao schwarz? then we go shopping. then tomorrow, what do you say we go have a trip somewhere outside manhattan?" his dad plastered a smiled along his face holding his small hands.

"outside manhattan? how far?" minhyung asked.

"hmm, i was thinking... florida?"

"florida?! like miami, florida?!" minhyung almost yelled in front of his dad with evident excitement in his eyes. "yes. you told me you always wanted to go to miami with me but i didn't have the time because i had so many pending movies to make back then. so tomorrow, florida it is?"

"yes! yes, let's go to florida, dad!" minhyung jumped with so much excitement and his dad ruffled his dyed hair.

"alright. but that's for tomorrow. today, you go in your shower and we'll leave for breakfast in 20 minutes. go, champ, go."

breakfast in new york was a new experience. there were so many busy people in the breakfast place alone. he thought his dad would need so much bodyguards because he's literally an actor eating out with his son but surprisingly, they were eating peacefully. there were no bodyguards, there was only him and his dad eating fancy waffles with fancy eggs and a fancy drink on a fancy glass.

as they walk around, minhyung can see how the ladies look at him. not his dad--well really also his dad, but minhyung himself was receiving stares. more specifically, adorable stares. who wouldn't stare at a father and son with matching clothes walking down so casually in the street.

well maybe it's not only ladies but men too. minhyung felt like a celebrity himself. he used to get these kind of stares back in seoul whenever he's out with his papa. wow, i'm so lucky to have papa and dad as my parents.

that is until he remembered, they were divorced. they don't live in the same house. heck, they don't even live in the same continent. they were so far away from each other and no amount of fame can bring them together.

he also remembered, he was supposed to find out how they met. but that's not until he brings up his papa first.

he was about to speak up about it when his dad said they were already there. "we're here, markie!"

he looked at the place and it was so blue. but he needed to act cool since mark's already been here. "come on, dad! i wanna see the big fish again!" he dragged his dad with a wide smile and his dad only laughed.

for mark, it was pretty different as well. when he woke up, there was sungchan on the other bed. their room was spacious considering they live in a big big house. his sheets were different, his physical appearance was different. this is weird but i like it.

it looked like it was already morning. he got up in his jammies and walked out the door.

as he walks down the stairs, he heard voices. unfamiliar voices he's never heard before. maybe it's papa's employees or friends. he put no thought to it so much but when he reached the kitchen, what he saw struck his eyes to open wide.

his papa was receiving kisses from a strange guy. kisses on his forehead, his temples, his cheeks--basically all over his face. was he a new lover? they were awfully close for mark's eyes.

"okay, stop. now you really need to leave before my children sees you." his papa chuckled lowly. "so what? your children know me." the man whispered. "yes, but you being here every morning, they might suspect something. so let's keep it on the low before i tell them."

"please, doyoungie?" doyoungie? mark thought inside his head. maybe he's heard it before. doyoung?

and then mark gasped quietly. that's doyoung? minhyung said that's one of papa's best friends. and then he thought deeper. oh no. papa has a boyfriend.

he rushed going up the stairs and going back to his room as quiet as possible. he jumped on sungchan's bed and tried to wake him up over and over again.

"sungchanie, wake up!" he whisper-yelled beside the little boy's ear.

when sungchan opened his eyes, mark was so close to his face. "what's wrong, hyung?"

"papa has a boyfriend!" he said quietly. sungchan looked at him confusedly as if he was going mad. "what are you saying? are you sleep-talking hyung?"

"no, i'm serious. his name is doyoung!"

"doyoung? that's just papa's best friend. let me sleep, hyung. i'm tired from yesterday." sungchan didn't seem to believe him because he's known doyoung probably. this made him frustrated and just let his little brother sleep under the covers.

he needs a plan to convince sungchan his papa has a thing with his so-called "best friend".

mark sat back down on his bed thinking of things he could do to plot a plan. he needs to find out the truth as soon as possible because he needs to tell minhyung.

a few more minutes of waiting on his bed, his little brother stirred. he woke up completely and looked around. "hyung, why haven't you gone to papa yet? weren't you awake for a while now?" the small boy asked.

"i was waiting for you. i don't completely know my way around the house yet." he said going to the other side facing sungchan.

"what?" the small boy looked at his big brother confused. then he realized, "oh right. you're not minhyungie hyung."

the two boy got up and went to their bathroom to brush teeth and wash their face. once they were done, they headed out of their room and down the stairs going to their papa.

to mark's surprise, the tall man smooching his papa was now gone. "papa! good morning!" sungchan yelled heard all over the kitchen.

"hey, my little babies! hope you slept good because we're going out today!"

"really papa? where?" mark asked. "well, since you were out for 3 weeks, i'm taking you shopping today."

the two boys threw their hands in the air in excitement. "yay shopping!"

"okay, but first, finish your food. i don't want left overs, alright? after shopping, we're gonna meet uncle doyoungie." taeyong smiled with his eyes almost squinted.

hmm, this could be the chance to show sungchan. mark thought.

(A/N: so i guess im back? hehe i have enough to update for the whole month huhu then i'll write moree)

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