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"here it is. wow i can't believe i'm in new york." minhyung whispered as he wander his eyes along the streets of new york city. he's finally here. he's going to meet his dad for the very first time. he didn't believe his dad is living in one of the most fabulous cities of the world. it was truly unbelievable just seeing the glamorous buildings they pass by.

"did you have fun in camp, kiddo? your dad missed you so much." his johnny hyung asked from beside him. even his bodyguard is handsome as heck. wow, people must really be taken care of a lot in here. he thought.

"yeah! i met really cool kids. we did a lot of fun things and the food was yummy too." he cheered and his bodyguard only laughed on him.

"your dad did a lot while you were in camp. so you'll be seeing a lot of him in these next months." the man smiled. perfect. minhyung thought. just what i needed.

"but i don't know about you though. your dad will freak when he sees you dyed your hair during camp. not to mention your eyebrows." johnny chuckled at the future argument his dad was gonna have.

"some kid just dared me to. come on, they were fun. and isn't it cool?" he asked. "yeah, it's kinda cool."

when they reached his father's building, minhyung could only stare in awe. wow, my dad lives here? he looked up at the tall white building that looked like a hotel. my dad really is a big deal.

"mark, what are you still doing there? go on, go up to your dad, i'll take care of your bags." johnny said and minhyung only smiled going in the building. he stopped at the elevator and suddenly widened his eyes. gosh mark forgot to tell me which floor it was. or maybe he did but i just forgot.

he couldn't do anything or even risk getting lost in such a huge building. and so he just sat at the lobby couch and waited for his bodyguard.

he swung his small feet back and fort and had a rather adorable smile on his face. "mark?"

he looked up and his johnny hyung walked towards him with all his bags in hand. "what are you still doing here? i told you to go up, didn't i?"

oh man, what do i say? "oh yeah uhm... i just--i don't wanna go up yet, i wanna surprise dad." nice save, self. a gentle pat on the back he had in mind only if his brothers were there.

"alright, kiddo. let's go now. your dad has been waiting for three weeks." he stood up and held johnny's arm before riding the lift. he took a careful glance with the buttons being pushed. 8th floor. he kept in mind.

when they got out of the lift, he didn't go ahead of johnny because in there, he also didn't know which door it was. it's hard being someone i'm pretending to be. he mentally cried. and then they stopped at a door with the number 83.

the opened the door and minhyung, again, wandered his eyes in awe. my dad's life must be pretty amazing.

"sir jung?" johnny called as he drops the bag near the door. he looked around along with his bodyguard but his dad wasn't there. "your dad must be out. why don't you go play in your room for a while? i'll contact him."

when johnny left, he only thought, 'sir jung?' why sir jung? he thought his family name was lee. mark is a lee. he's a lee. where did jung come from? that he can't answer.

he wandered around, opened every door to every room. he took the chance to look up the place while his father was gone. he saw the biggest bedroom that belonged to his dad, the room next to it was mark's, then from the far end of the very spacious apartment, there was johnny's room he assumed. even the bathroom was pretty. but he went back to mark's room and played around.

wow mark, so lame games. he laughed at the thought seeing his stack of games from one side.

but then, he heard a voice from outside and assumed his dad finally arrived. "mark?" it was an unfamiliar voice. is it finally his dad?

he peaked out from the door frame and saw a face he's only seen from the internet once. is he the jeffrey? is he my dad? he thought. he looked at him while his dad wasn't looking. wow, his face is no joke. i wouldn't be surprised if papa and him got together.

he finally stepped out of the room and took a turn from the divider of the rooms. "dad?"

his dad turned back and saw his precious little markie back from camp. "hey kiddo! come here!" mark quickly ran and got into his father's embrace. the long-awaited hug was like a present for minhyung. it was definitely a dream come true.

"what did you do to your hair?" his dad asked sternly as he finally realized and cut off the hug. then he gasped. "and your brows too? mark?"

minhyung smiled playfully quite awkwardly. "a friend i met at camp dared me to do it. are you mad, dad?" he pouted slightly to try and get his way out of it.

but his dad smiled again and ruffled his hair. "no, honey i'm not mad because it looks good on you. but i'll let this pass because you had fun in your camp too much. alright?" the little boy nodded and they went in for another tight hug.

"oh man, i missed you so much, my little prince. even three weeks was already too long." jaehyun muttered against his son's neck. minhyung couldn't help it but tear up a little. he didn't let johnny see it or his dad feel it but he quickly wiped it away. "sorry i was gone, sweetheart. was i too long out? i picked up groceries to make you your favorite dinner." his dad smiled widely and indeed, his face was angelic.

"really, dad?" minhyung grinned excitedly and went to the kitchen with him. "of course. come help daddy prepare it." ahh, good thing papa taught me a little bit of cooking before.

as they went busy, minhyung told his dad stories of what happened in camp. he left out being isolated with a camp-mate because for one, he might figure out it was his twin if he says the name. and second, he was scared his dad might punish him for doing something terrible, or accused of doing something terrible.

"so you know what, i was also so busy while you were at camp. i finished all my shoots because i said i have to spend time with you once you came home. so what do you say we plan our calendar later while we watch your favorite show?" his dad said.

"i'd love it, dad!" minhyung cheered finishing what his dad made him.

for dinner, his dad made him chicken kimchi stir fry. so this is mark's favorite. he thought at first. now, it's also getting to know mark after all.

"dad, do we have watermelons?" minhyung asked as he finished eating. his dad tilted his head confused. "you're asking about watermelons?" oops, was that something i'm not supposed to ask?

"you know we never run out of watermelons, why do you ask as if we don't have some?" oh man, why do i have to make a mistake now?

"they're in the fridge." his dad smiled after that and just picked up their plates to put in the sink. minhyung grabbed the bowl of watermelons in the fridge and proceeded to the living room to watch tv.

"dad! hurry, boss baby is on!" minhyung yelled from the couch. he heard his dad laugh and sat with him on the couch.

in boss baby, there were two boys, basically brothers. it struck minhyung if he should bring up the topic on his dad. as mark said, he asked him to not bring it up. but minhyung would take the chance. after all, he's minhyung not mark.

"dad?" he started and his father replied with a hum. "do you ever wonder what it would be like if i had a brother?"

his dad stopped munching on the fruit and turned his head to him so silently. "a brother?" he asked. "why?"

"oh i don't know. it's just... i've met a lot of new friends in camp, one felt like he's my brother. like i've known him for years. we were so close, we didn't leave each other's side. i just wonder how it would be like if i had a brother, real life." he explained but deep inside, he prayed to all the gods that his father would not be mad with whatever he just said.

"hmm, mark. i don't know about that. do you want a brother?"

"yes, dad. i do! i really do." he cheered.

"then i'll be your dad, and your brother!" his dad laughed and all he could do was smile. not what i had in mind, dad.

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