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There once was a popular YouTuber who went by the name Y/U/N (your username), they were mostly known for their Minecraft videos they commonly filmed with their friends.

But, one day they stopped uploading. Nothing to be heard from them on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, hell even Reddit.

They just vanished. Poof.

Then, on Twitter people started wondering where they went. Where did their beloved childhood streamer go?

There that started the "#WheresY/N?" Tag on Twitter. Hundreds of theories and questions were raised as it had been 2 years since anyone had seen them.

So, there sat our main character, aimlessly scrolling through their feed. Then they saw the hashtag, not really paying mind to it thinking the internet was talking about some other "Y/N".

But then they started getting mentions, people @'ing their user to try and get answers to their unsolved questions.

So, Y/N decided to take a chance and tweet.

LegoLand y/u/n
Its so dusty in here. Oh and I got you guys some milk, thanks for waiting :)

User7 lmaoilikemyna
Replying to y/u/n
You're alive 😲😲
Ph1lzA Ph1lzA
Replying to Y/U/N
Welcome back!! <33

LegoLand y/u/n
Replying to Ph1lzA
Thank you mr.Minecraft :) <3
Stampy Cat Stampylongnose
Replying to y/u/n
Now the milk is all spoiled for my cake :(( but it's great to have you back on the internet!!

LegoLand y/u/n
Replying to stampylongnose
I'm sorry stamps I'll be faster next time lol

DANTDM 💎 dantdm
Replying to Y/U/N
Welcome back buddy!!

LegoLand Y/U/N
Thank you friend!!!

Jardon Maroon CaptainSparklez
Replying to Y/U/N
When the world needed them most they came back

LegoLand y/u/n
Replying to CaptainSparklez
Awww thanks cap!!

They smiled for the first time in a while, a real genuine smile came across their face. It felt nice to be back in touch with the people they called friends.

They decided to just vibe on Minecraft, trying to get a hang of the updates they missed. They walked over to their pc in the corner of their room, which was covered in dust.

"Heh, this baby still works." They smiled, sitting in their old minions gaming chair CaptainSparklez bought them as a joke.

They went on their single player worlds and created a new one naming it "My first time playing in two years lmao" which was a long title to say the least but hey, whatever.

They were greeted by an island spawn. Great. "This is a sign to never play this game again." Y/N joked to themself. They logged off that world and made a new one, this time spawning in a spruce forest that was surrounded by a dark oak forest.

They slightly celebrated in their head, the two trees being their favorite blocks to build with as the colors went together nicely.

The first thing they noticed was updated textures, since they left the internet in 2018 they had no clue about any of the new updates besides 1.13.

They built a small little stater house made of wood and slept through the night using their bed they got from slaughtering innocent sheep.

Ah yes Minecraft, the most pg peaceful game anyone could ask for.
(Not proofread)
Ik it's very short for a beginning chapter, but I wasn't sure what else to write. Seeing as this is a bit different from the original writing

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