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(I'm gonna start putting the dates and times in the beginning of the chapter Bc I can't even keep up with the time at this point 😫😫)

9/4/20, 21.45

A week after Jack had ordered the thing for Y/N it had shown up on their doorstep. They decided to call the bald man as they opened it, not paying mind to the time in England.

"Hello Mr. Manifold." Y/N greeted as they shook the box in view of the camera of their FaceTime.

"It's like 2 am, what do you want?" The brit replied, his voice groggy as it was clear he had just woken up.

"That's besides the point, I have your thing you bought me here and I'm opening it with you." Y/N said. Jack only groaned, reaching to end the call.

"Don't you dare end this call, mr." Y/N threatened emptily, raising their hand slightly for added affect.

"Fineee." He complied. Y/N then grabbed some scissors they had laying around. And kinda stabbed the box, it making impact with a loud crunch from the cardboard.

"Jesus, Y/N." The half awake Jack said as he held his hand to his heart, "I little warning next time you decide to stab a box?"

"Nope!" Y/N replied, rearing said cardboard open. Once they had, a clear plastic bag with an outfit in it fell out.

The outfit was all black and white from what Y/N could see. "If this is what I think it is I'm flying back to England and forcing you in it." Y/N threatened.

"Eh, I'll survive." Jack replied. Y/N opened the plastic and there it was, the maid dress. "I hate you so much." Y/N said.

"Wear it on stream tomorrow and I'll donate 20 bucks." Jack offered. "Ay, 20 bucks is 20 bucks." Y/N replied.

"Great, I'm really tired. Goodnight, Y/N." Jack said. "Goodnight, Jack." Y/N said. Jack hung up the call and y/n left the maid dress in their gaming chair as they got up and went on their bed.

LegoLand y/u/n
Me and @.JackManifoldTV have some problems.

User7 user7
Did he burn down mani-lego flowers?

Y/N closed their Twitter tab and opened YouTube, finding a video they could fall asleep to.

The next day, Y/N woke up and looked in the corner of their room seeing the maid dress just resting overtop their gaming chair.

"I hate teenagers..." y/N mumbled as they got up and grabbed the stupid dress. They walked into their bathroom and changed into the maid outfit.

They took out their phone and took a selfie in the mirror.

LegoLand y/u/n
*insert selfie*
You can either thank or blame Jack for this

Dream DreamWasTaken
You need a dog? I can bark


LegoLand y/U/n
You're kinda down bad for me 😳😳


Dream DreamWasTaken
That wasn't obvious?

Wilbur WilburSoot
I think you look lovely dear :]


LegoLand y/u/n
Thank you babes :]]

Jack Manifold jackmanifoldtv
Our friends are really showing their true colors with the simping

Y/N sat at their desk and hit the "go live" button when they were ready to start streaming. "Hello chat! So as you can see, I'm so hot and wearing this dress Mr. Thunder1408 has kindly sent to me." Y/N greeted.

User4: we love the confidence

WilburSoot: I love you

DreamWasTaken: am I breathing right?

User8: Wilbur and Dream are down bad for you

"Yes I know they are." Y/N laughed. They logged onto the DreamSMP and invited Jack, Wilbur and Dream to their call.

"Thank you Jack so much for this masterpiece." Dream said. "Yes, what the bastard said." Wilbur agreed.

"I just thought I'd take the piss out of being able to send them whatever I wanted to." Jack shrugged.

"Still, you are a god amongst men." Wilbur said. "I- uh thank you Wilbur." Jack said.

The four of them continued to talk, Dream and Wilbur mainly teasing or flirting with Y/N as Jack kinda became a third/fourth wheel.

So, Y/N added Tommy to the call. "HELLO!" The blonde loudly greeted, "I was watching Y/N's stream and it appears as if big men Wilbur and Dream have become simps."

"As if they weren't already." Jack added. "Yeah, we've always been simps, man." Dream said.

"That's- that's besides the point. You three must stop flirting, or every time you do I'll... I'll... murder Y/N!" Tommy threatened.

"Or I could just..." Dream said.

Tommyinnit has left the game

"What the fuck! Unban be, bitch." Tommy demanded. "I don't think I will." Dream replied.

The two went back and forth for a bit before Y/N has to step in. "Dream, unban him."

"Fineee," dream sighed, "You're no fun my dear."

"I think you're plenty of fun." Wilbur said, trying to one up Clay. "Well yeah, of course they are." Jack said.

"Thank you Wilbur." "No problem."

Tommyinnit has joined the game

The group of five continued playing the block game originally made for kids for another hour before Y/n ended stream.

"Alright! Bye guys!" Y/N said as they left the call, seeing that one by one the others in the call left as well.


Dream today at 14.23
You genuinely looked very good in the maid dress :)

LegoLand today at 14.23
Thank you (:


Wilbur today at 14.25
I think you looked very cool in that dress, my love

LegoLand today at 14.26
Thank you <3 :)


Jack Manifold today at 14.30
I think I'm owed a thank you from everyone on earth from how good you looked and from how how many people simped

LegoLand today at 14.30
Lmao, yeah. Thank you for the dress btw, I can pay you back if you'd like?

Jack Manifold today at 14.31
No it's fine, i had fairly lost a bet so it's my own fault

LegoLand today at 14.31
If you're sure, let me know if you change your mind

Jack Manifold today at 14.32
Will do, thanks mate

LegoLand today at 14.32
Np :)


(Not proofread)

I don't have anything sarcastic to say about this one so yeah.

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