☆Pog vs Swag☆

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9/8/20, 15:34

Y/N had woken up a few hours ago and was currently drinking their coffee(if you don't like coffee, feel free to change it!) at their computer.

Wilbur had informed them about the debate that was going to happen today. So they wanted to be on time for it.

Y/N logged onto the smp after getting the go ahead by the current president of L'manberg. They went up to the cobble courthouse in the sky and waited in the stands.

"Fundy, we're giving you the choice, do you support me, your father, or Quackity?" Wilbur asked as he and Tommy had gotten out of their private call.

"Neither. I'm starting my own campaign," Fundy said. "Ignore him, he missed the ballot." Wilbur said.

"I've spent many years growing under you." Fundy said, "I've seen what you can do, I've seen your skill and your leadership. You have charisma, you got in suit - I saw the tweet you look great by the way-"

"I can vouch for that!" Y/N butted in. "Thank you, thank you." Wilbur said, trying to ignore the blush on his face from what Y/N had said.

"But there's one thing you're missing I have a bakery, and I can deliver cookies and ice cream to all my residents." Fundy said, "I don't have much more."

"You've missed the ballot." Wilbur plainly said. "Someone get the homeless man out of the court." Quackity added.

"Quackity, George, please get on your lecterns." Wilbur requested. "Fellas, what Fundy doesn't want to tell you is that he supports me and George." Quackity said, "because he himself told me."

"Fundy say that to us, is that true?" Tommy asked the furry. "Fundy I- listen I don't wanna pull up the receipts." Quackity said, "you just gotta admit man."

"Do you have cookies and ice cream?" Fundy asked. "I have- I have 10 bakeries and I'll give you ten more if you support me." Quackity replied.

"Is that truth?" Fundy asked. "That's a very truth, Fundy." Quackity answered, although he was lying.

"Fundy what- what are you saying to me?" Wilbur asked, looking his son straight in his black dead eyes.

"I support Quackity." Fundy answered. The Pog party looked ashamed and upset, as the Swag party celebrated.

"Swag2020!" The said party cheered and chanted.

"I have one thing to say to you- all of you." Tommy said, getting in the middle of the courtroom, "While we don't have Fundy we have someone you'll never have- well people you'll never have. We have Vikkstar and Y/N!"

"Ok where is he- vikkstar I mean?" Quackity asked, "We all know Y/N just follows Dream and Wilbur around like a lost dog."

"Hey!" Y/N defensively said. "I'm ready to debate you now." Wilbur said, his mouth close to his mic.

"Tommy, you have vikkstar but you know who I'll have soon?" Quackity asked. "What?" Tommy asked. "KSI." Quackity answered.

After everyone had calmed down, the debate started.

"Ok let's talk territories, who's in them and who's allowed in them?" Karl Jacobs, the question asked guy, asked.

"Alright, Karl, Karl, there has a history of discrimination from L'manberg. I myself, believe that it should be seen by every citizen of the smp." Quackity answered.

"For years, may I say decades, the DreamSMP has ostracized my group of people- my European brothers. L'manberg is not a place of oppression it is a sanctuary for our people.

What you are intending to do is come into our land and open it up to the people we seek to escape just because we've created a better life for ourselves. This in itself is tyranny and I will not stand for it." Wilbur stated.

"Quackity, what is something you want to discuss, Quackity?" Karl asked.

"Wilbur is- is embracing a tradition here. We don't have to do traditions. We are a new generation of politicians, Wilbur, remember that." Quackity added, "Embracing your old school policies is just going to hurt progress."

"They aren't old school, these policies were formed by blood- not long ago." Wilbur corrected.

"Your polices all grow from war." Quackity pointed out. "Of course they all had to grow from war! We were oppressed!" Wilbur replied, his voice raising ever so slightly.

"I led these people to freedom, and I will keep and uphold the policies. L'manberg's boarders- as long as I'm in charge- shall keep closed for all non-Europeans." Wilbur stated.

The debate continued on until it was revealed Tommy tried bribing Karl with 2,500$.

"Tommy? This isn't true," Wilbur asked. Tommy turned to face him, "uh yes."

"George id like to remind you it wasn't just 2,500 it was in fact 8 books of 2,500 paid to Karl Jacobs by Tommyinnit." Quackity added.

"Karl just follow me a second." Tommy said, he and Karl walked out the courthouse.

KarlJacobs was slain by Tommyinnit using [slayer of beachboys]

The courthouse corrupted with yells and protests, most the noise coming from the Swag party.

"You see, now all the money is in my hands where it belonged from the beginning." Tommy said.

"You are killing in the courthouse!" George protested as Tommy complained about him constantly cutting him off.

"Can I request a brief recess?" Wilbur asked, "I wish to speak to my Vice President. I also request Y/N to join us. Please."

They were allowed their recess and the tree entered a vc. "Tommy." Wilbur started. "Hello." Tommy simply replied.

"What have you done?" Wilbur asked. "Listen. He wouldn't let me talk, Wilbur." Tommy answered.

"That's not exactly a reason to kill or bribe someone, Toms." Y/N said, "You gotta be better than that, big man."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Tommy huffed. "You tried to bribe someone, Tommy." Wilbur brought up.

"I didn't really try, I actually did." Tommy corrected, "I was very successful."

"Tommy- I- you're jeopardizing this whole debate." Wilbur stated. "I'll clutch up, Wilbur, don't you worry." Tommy replied.

"You both got this." Y/N said in hopes of getting their sprits up ever so slightly. "Tommy i want you to look me in the eyes." Wilbur said.

"Yes." Tommy responded. "Will you, again, participate in bribery?" Wilbur asked.

"No." Tommy answered. "Will you uphold our beliefs and policies of this great nation?" Wilbur asked.

"Yes." Tommy simply replied. "And are you gonna fuck up Gogy?" Wilbur asked his final, arguably most important, question.

"Yeahhhhhh!!!" Tommy said. "Wooo!! You guys have got this in the bag, I guarantee it." Y/N smiled.

"Thank you, Y/N." The two said. "Now let's get back in." Wilbur said. The tree entered the main call and the Vice Presidential debate continued.

As the debate finished, it was hard to tell who won- or gotten the most applause or positive results. But one thing for sure, Pog2020 had gotten the most Hamilton references in and that was all that mattered.


Not proofread

Sorry for not updating for a minute. Possible double upload tonight since I feel bad :P. Also I have the next few chapters all planned out for the plot so yeah!!!

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