☆Among us with the Swaggers☆

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9/9/20, 14:54 (Tw/ There is a light suicide joke)

Y/N sat at their desk with their head against the cold wood, they were exhausted but they were going to be in a stream. Their eyes fluttered closed as the tiredness invaded their body.

A buzz from their phone made them shoot up, hitting their head on their microphone. They yawned and rubbed their head, drowsily grabbing their phone and reading the text.


WilburSoot today at 14:56

LegoLand today at 14:56
Hye bzoo

WilburSoot today at 14:57
You still joining us for the among us stream?

LegoLand today at 14:57
Yeah, lmk when it satrts

WilburSoot today at 14:58
Dear, it started 10 minutes ago...

LegoLand today at 14:58

WilburSoot today at 14:59
It's alright dw we'll be waiting :)


   "IM GOING TO SHOOT MYSELF!" Y/N screamed, fully awake now as they quickly set up their computer. They booted up their stream.

Y/U/N is live!
among us

   They quickly entered the on going call in the server that was created for today, "Someone send me the code quick!"
   "It's in the chat, stupid," Wilbur giggled lightly at how stressed Y/N sounded.
   "Look who arrived," Quackity sarcastically said.

   "Dude when I'm imposter I'm kicking your ass," Y/N said as they entered the game code and the game started.

   The people playing were; them, Wilbur, Tommy, Quackity, Schlatt, Jack, Tubbo, Niki, Dream, Sapnap.

The first round began with Y/N being crew mate and then muting after saying, "Guys if Quackity is dead just skip."
"Let's not do that actually," Quackity tried but everyone else in the call had agreed.
"I say we do the same for Tommy," Wilbur added. Which again everyone agreed to, besides Tommy.

The game continued after everyone had muted, Y/N saw Niki kill Quackity right in front of them but instead of reporting the body they just did a little dance around it with Niki.

After dancing, they left to the office. They did card swipe and left to electrical, downloaded files and then wires. They went back to office and uploaded the files and did the wires in storage. Then a body was reported, it was the dark blue color of Jack's.

"Where was it?" Y/N asked Schlatt, who had reported.
"Electrical," Schlatt answered, "Which I just saw you run out of."
"First of all, I would literally kill myself before I killed Jack, second of all your President is also dead," Y/N replied.

"Eh, we agreed to skip if Quackity died," Wilbur said, "no need to mention him."
"True," Y/N replied.
"Was anybody else near electrical?" Dream asked, "Actually where was everybody?"

"I was with Y/N," Niki said, hoping Y/N would defend her.
"Yeah, we were in storage," Y/N agreed trying not to laugh, which was something they did often while lying.
"Wasn't I with you guys too? Way to include me," Sapnap said in a sarcastic way, Y/N assumed he was the other imposter as Niki almost immediately agreed.
"Oh right, us three were in storage but sap had just joined us through cafeteria," Niki added.

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