☆Mother Dearest☆

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(I know I'm a dirty lier for saying I'm taking a break. That was the plan but I feel empty without writing sooo yeah)

After Wilbur had shown Y/N his room, the two ordered pizza. Wilbur also introduced Y/N to him roommate, Dave- who joined them for pizza.

"So I was planning to take you to the shops later." Wilbur explained. Y/N nodded as they ate. "Sure, I'm fine with that. I'm paying for my own stuff though." Y/N said after they had swallowed their food.

"You could buy me things, Wilbur. Spoil me like one of your french girls." Dave joked. Wilbur shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"You live with me, dave. I'm not spoiling you." Wilbur explained. "Damn, worth a shot." Dave replied. Y/N slightly giggled at their interaction.

The three finished their food and Wilbur and Y/N bid Dave a goodbye as they left for the shops.

"So how's life?" Wilbur asked. "Are we really gonna do small talk, lover boy?" Y/N asked.

"I mean, we don't have to. But I dunno what to talk about." Wilbur said, "Doll."

"At least make it more interesting than "how's life"." Y/N said, "Love."

"Fine. How's your life, my dearest of all friends?" Wilbur asked. "Better. My life has been well, my love. How about yours?" Y/N replied.

"I've been doing well, doll. Glad to hear you're doing the same." Wilbur answered. "Back at ya, will." Y/N said.

The two entered the mall parking lot in Wilbur's car and then entered the mall. They walked in hand in hand, Wilbur swaying the hands slightly.

"Where to first?" Wilbur asked. Y/N shrugged, "Game?"

"What are you? A Minecraft Stan?" He teased. "Yes. Because our lord and savoir, Philza Minecraft- creator of Minecraft, died on the spruce tree for our gaming abilities." Y/N replied, their voice devoid of tone as they stared blankly at Wilbur.

He tried keeping in his laugh seeing as they were in a public place and didn't want to cause a scene. But his efforts were futile as he laughed, Y/N soon breaking character and laughing with him.

The two walked to Game and ventured around the shop. Y/N picking up practically every Minecraft merch they found.

Their haul ended up being a bee plush, a ravager keychain, music disc earrings, a note block mine block, a foam diamond sword, and a parrot plush.

Y/N ans Wilbur fought about who was gonna pay, but Wilbur lost and Y/N paid for his and their things.

Wilbur's one thing was a plastic allium that lit up.

"You know, this store actually has good Minecraft things." Y/N complimented. Since Y/N had paid Wilbur insisted on carrying the bag they shared.

"Yeah, I like the earrings you bought." Wilbur complimented. "Thank you! I bought one thing that reminds me of my friends!" Y/N explained.

"Oh really? Which one reminds you of me?" Wilbur asked.

"It's the noteblock, obviously. The parrot is Phil. The earrings are Tommy. The bee is Tubbo. The ravager is Techno. The sword is Dream." Y/N explained.

"Huh, that's pretty cool. I got the allium because that's the flower I gave you." Wilbur explained. Y/N smiled at Wilbur as the two shared the same idea of getting something that held sentimental value.

They walked around and Wilbur spotted a build-a-bear. He insisted they go into it. So the two did.

(The bears mentioned are online exclusives, but ayeeee)

Y/N and Wilbur were greeted by a worker as the two grabbed a bear. Y/N grabbed a light green frog they thought was cute while Wilbur grabbed a brown sloth.

"I grabbed this one cause it reminds me of you." Wilbur teased. "Ha-ha. You're so funny." Y/N said with a deadpan expression as Wilbur smiled at them.

The two went up to the stuffer and Wilbur went first, Y/N claiming "ladies first" before he went.

"So are you two getting these for your kids?" The worker asked. Wilbur almost broke into laughter as he saw Y/N's horrified face at the thought of them dating.

"Yes, our kids Tubbo and Tommy." Wilbur answered. "Tubbo is an... interesting name." The worker said.

"It is, it's also his nickname." Y/N explained, getting slight defensive for Tubbo. "That makes more sense." The worker smiled. It was now Y/N's turn to get their frog stuffed

"So when did you two get married?" The worker asked. "Oh, uh we're not." Y/N answered.

"Oh, we'll when did you two meet?" The worker asked. "A couple years ago. Then we adopted twins." Wilbur explained, lying threw his teeth.

"Well, make your way to the table just over there and fill out the certificates then go over to the desk and pay." The worker explained. The two nodded and walked over to the conjoined desks with computers on them.

"We could've avoided those weird questions if we admitted to be childish adults." Y/N slightly scolded as they typed.

"It was an interesting encounter." Wilbur chuckled. Y/N rolled their eyes and the two walked to the front desk and this time Wilbur paid.

The two walked around before Y/N spotted a familiar figures they longed to forget. The figure spotted Y/N too and made it's way over to them.

Tw// mentioned abuse, mentioned sexual assault

"Y/N, my dear, you're here! I haven't seen you in years!" The monster greeted. "There's a reason for that." Y/N bitterly replied.

They stepped in front of Wilbur as they noticed it looking him up and down. "Woah, calm down there. I'm not gonna hurt you." It said, "I've never hurt you."

"That- that's a lie." Y/N said as it laid a hand on their cheek and lightly rubbed it with their thumb, "I know what you did. You know what you did."

"I've been nothing but the best mother to you and your father has treated you with the utmost respect and neither of us have hurt or touched you." It said.

"That's what you said when I was a kid. A vulnerable child. You both- both are the reason for my night terrors, my flashbacks, my fears." Y/N said, tears forming in their eyes, "you hurt me, he touched me. You both deserve hell and eternal suffering.

Leave me and my friend alone. Now."

It just stared at Y/N with a smile on its face. "You're just like your mother, dear. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Y/N began spacing out, not paying attention to whatever it said, but tuning back in when Wilbur called their name.

"Let's go, Y/N." He said, y/N nodded in agreement and the two left for his car. Y/N's fave unreadable as it seemed they were on a different planet- not paying attention to anything but their footsteps.

"Im sorry." Y/N mumbled as they got in the car. Wilbur said nothing and only turned to face them.

He gave them a hug, shock filled Y/N's eyes and they wrapped their arms around him, tears cascading down their face.

"She's a monster." Wilbur whispered. Y/N nodded in agreement as they finished crying. Once they separated, Wilbur made sure to always have a hand on them to show comfort.

(Not proofread)

More emotional backstory 🕺🕺🕺

Also new book coming out soon 👀👀

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