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Two weeks passed too quickly for the duo's liking, Y/N's stay was up as Wilbur and then left for the airport, their bags all packed.

"Before you go.." Wilbur said, grabbing their arm and pulling them in. He lifted their chin up and hesitated before kissing them on the lips. Before Y/N was given time to react, an announcement was made saying Y/N's flight was about to go.

Y/N rushed to the gate as was hurried to sit in their seat. A blush lasted on their face the entire flight, their hand occasionally tracing their lips.

The plane landed and Y/N collected their bags and went home. They threw their dirty clothes in the laundry room and then left to their room and walked over to their bed.

They lay face to the ceiling as the contemplated what had happened at the British airport. They pulled out their phone and decided to message Wilbur, the two had exchanged numbers during Y/N's stay instead of just using Discord.

Will ✨🥰💜

Read at 19.56

I'm sorry for kissing you, it was in the heat of the moment I didn't want to see you leave and I shouldn't have dont that. I'm so so so sorry Y/N.

Nonono you're fine!! I was just confused as to why you did it lol


Yeah, friends

Great! I'll talk to you later..?

Sounds good to me, I'm going to sleep tho. So we'll talk tomorrow..?

That's fine with me! Night Wilbur, love you

Night Y/N, love you too
Read at 20.00


Y/N could tell by his messages something was wrong. But they weren't sure what, they're relationship was a bit.. purely just a bit... right?

There's no way Wilbur or Dream actually liked Y/N, they just flirted for the fans. But that pegged the question, did Y/N have feelings for either of them?

Y/N didn't know what to think so they decided to sleep it off, and avoid it at all costs. Before they went to bed, they grabbed their frog and held it close, relishing in the memories of their mall trip - ignoring their unlucky interruption.

The next day they got dressed and sat at their desk chair, debating on starting to stream.

They shrugged and clicked go live. Putting their "Starting soon" screen and waited a few minutes before entering the webcam and greeting the viewers.

"Hello chat!! So today I am here on the hermitcraft server and we'll be working on my mega base! I was thinking maybe making a replica of mount Olympus." Y/N greeted, getting straight to the point.

Some viewers left at the mention of the hermitcraft server instead of the DreamSMP. Y/N just shook their head and entered the nether to get some quartz.

After 3 hours half the build was finished, the quartz building sitting atop a custom mountain Y/N paid scar to make a while ago.

"Alright, chat, should I end stream or go on the DreamSMP?" Y/N asked. Chat overwhelmingly spammed the smp as Y/N joined it.

Y/U/N has joined the game

Dream has joined the game

WilburSoot has joined the game

WilburSoot has left the game

Y/N held a certain pain in their eyes when they saw Wilbur had left. They felt upset he was upset.

< Dream > for you :)

Dream's character threw Y/N a pink tulip.

< Y/U/N > thank you

After An hour of the smp Y/N ended their stream and left the game.

Wilbur ✨🥰💜

Are you alright?
Read at 16.23


Y/N set their phone down and burrowed their head into their knees. Did they do something wrong? Did they upset him? Were they the reason he was upset?

Were they becoming like their mother?

Y/N got up and paced their room, waiting for a response as they chewed their nails. They gave up after 20 minutes, Wilbur was officially ignoring them.

Clay ⚡️🧡🥰

Are you alright?

You seemed distant and distracted during your stream
Read at 16.44

Yeah no I'm alright! I'm sorry if I seemed off on my stream, you don't need to worry about me tho lol

How's patches?

You sure? And patches is doing well

That's good. And yes I'm sure, thank you tho

It's no problem, just let me know if you need anything.
I'm always there for you, you know that, right?

Yeah, ofc
Same to you



LegoLand today at 16.45
Wilbur is ignoring me and I think I did something

Technoblade today at 16.45
What'd you do?

LegoLand today at 16.45
I don't know!! Yesterday he kissed me at the airport and he made up but now he won't respond to my message. Did I do something wrong??

Technoblade today at 16.45
I'm not very good with this romance stuff, but what did you do when he kissed you?

LegoLand today at 16.45
Nothing! He didn't give me time to react!

Technoblade today at 16.45
Maybe try texting him tomorrow see if he responds then, im sorry for the meanwhile tho

I know you two were close

LegoLand today at 16.46
It's ok, and yeah thank you Techno

Technoblade today at 16.46
No problem


(Not proofread)

My most dogshit chapter 😩😩

Also, the Pokémon fic is done. It's on my profile if you guys wanna check it out :)

Anyway, who do you guys wanna end up with by the end of this book?

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